Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Oxycholesterol - High Cholesterol"s Newest Villain

Healthy diets not only manage the waistline, they also combat high cholesterol.
Your total cholesterol and the LDL cholesterol are what health professionals constantly warn us about, but they may not be the worst of the lot.
According to new findings, a type of cholesterol called oxycholesterol may be the most serious cardiovascular health threat of all.
In the findings, a report, presented by a group of scientist from China who performed the study, details how oxycholesterol can increase your cholesterol level.
In addition to discussing the foods with the highest levels of the substance, the scientist also report on foods that can combat oxycholesterol's negative effects.
The researchers noted that even though LDL and HDL are still important health issues, oxycholesterol health risks are also important and should not be overlooked.
The reason for this is that their work demonstrated that oxycholesterol boosts total cholesterol levels and promotes hardening of the arteries more than non-oxidized cholesterol, LDL or HDL.
It is this oxidizing of the fats that creates the substance.
The researchers noted that scientist have known for years that fat reactions with oxygen creates this compound in your body.
This type of oxidation also occurs when fat-containing foods are heated, such as in frying chicken or grilling burgers or steaks.
In fact food manufacturers produce oxycholesterol intentionally in the form of oxidized oils such as trans-fatty acids and partially-hydrogenated vegetable oils.
This substance is then added to foods to improve texture, taste and stability, which brings us to the major source of oxycholesterol.
Fried and processed food- the usual suspects- contains high amounts of the substance.
Foods that also are particularly high in concentrations of the substance are fast-foods.
To counter the effects, a diet that is rich in antioxidants is necessary, as these substances may block the oxidation process that forms oxycholesterol.
Foods that are antioxidant-rich are fruits, vegetables, beans, and even certain herbs and spices.
Lastly, the scientist said that they did not know whether the popular anti-cholesterol drugs are able to lower oxycholesterol, so your best bet at lowering the effects of the cholesterol on the linings of your arteries, or preventing the damage all together is to maintain a healthy diet.

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