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How to Get Out a Dermal Anchor on the Wrist

    • 1). Examine your wrist and the dermal, to determine if you can remove it yourself. If you can see metal through your skin, you will be able to remove it yourself. If you can't, a piercer or body modification specialist should help you.

    • 2). Break the skin around the dermal, if you can see metal under the skin. The dermal is attached to your wrist because the skin grows through the holes in the anchor. To do this, twist the stud or jewelry that is above the skin. This may cause some pain or discomfort: But it is necessary for removal.

    • 3). Contact your trusted piercer or body mod specialist to remove the dermal from your wrist, if you can't see the metal of the anchor under your skin. The piercer will remove the dermal by first cleaning it with surgical scrub and taking it out, using a scalpel or piercing needle. No stitches will be necessary because the incision will be small.

    • 4). Clean your wrist daily with soap and water. Use unscented antibacterial soap to avoid infection.

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