Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

An Overview of Constipation and Hemorrhoid Problems

Has anyone ever told you that you're full of...
well, you know? If you have constipation, they may be right.
One of the most common digestive problems is constipation, usually caused by dehydration or not eating enough fiber.
Children and seniors suffer more often than others, and women are affected by it more often than men.
The common symptoms are an infrequent urge to have a bowel movement, straining during at least 25% of bowel movements, and a hard stool that is difficult to pass.
Some people think they're "irregular when they don't have a bowel movement every day.
But everyone is different, and your diet, exercise habits, and other factors determine how often you'll visit the porcelain throne.
A good rule of thumb is that if you're having three or fewer bowel movements per week, you're probably constipated.
Why does it happen? Some medicines are culprits, including calcium pills, pain pills with codeine, some antacids, iron pills, diuretics (water pills), and certain anti-depressants.
Physical conditions such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease can also block your flow.
For women, elevated estrogen and progesterone levels during periods and pregnancy can cause a temporary bout of constipation as well.
Constipation can be deadly if left untreated.
One of the greatest dangers is that stool in the bowel may become increasingly dehydrated as the body absorbs more and more of the water normally present in stool.
The hardened feces may then block the bowel, creating a fecal impaction.
As the person continues to eat, stool builds up behind the obstruction, and increased pressure behind it may cause the colon to expand at a weak point (like adding air to an inner tube until the rubber "balloons out" at a weak point), resulting in what is called "megarectum" or "megacolon.
" If the colon ruptures, its contents are spilled into the abdominal cavity, creating a medical emergency known as "toxic megacolon.
" Chronic constipation can lead to hemorrhoids, a condition in which the veins around the anus or lower rectum become red and swollen.
This condition was more commonly referred to as "piles a few decades ago.
Basically, hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the hiney.
Internal hemorrhoids are more common, and their most common symptom is bright red blood covering the stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl.
Since another cause of anal bleeding could be colorectal (anal) cancer, you should have your doctor take a look if you see blood in your stool for more than a couple of days.
Symptoms of external hemorrhoids may include painful swelling or a hard lump from the formation of a blood clot.
This type needs to be removed by a doctor.
Straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus can cause irritation, bleeding, and/or itching, which can produce a vicious cycle of symptoms.
Other contributing causes include pregnancy, aging, chronic diarrhea, and anal sex.
By the time you reach age 50, there's a 50/50 chance you've had some form of hemorrhoids.
The good news is that hemorrhoids are not dangerous, and most will go away on their own.
Note: Statements in this article may not be approved by the FDA, and should not be considered as professional medical advice.

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