Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Can Adults With ADHD Lead A Successful Life?

If you are an adult with ADHD chances are that you have spent at least some time trying to find ways to help overcome some of the symptoms of your condition so that you can achieve the things you want to achieve in life.

However, much of your research has probably resulted in your finding too many articles and reports on how adults with ADHD are destined to live a life of hopping from job to job, failed relationships, and substance abuse. You have probably even found yourself wondering if it is even possible for an adult with ADHD to lead a successful and happy life.

The good news is that there are many adults who do indeed learn to live with their ADHD, control the symptoms, and end up living a very successful and happy life.  It may surprise you to know that there are adults with ADHD that have started fortune 500 companies, helped run successful political campaigns, Excelled in sports, the music industry and become television and movie personalities, chefs and even professional dancers.  You too can follow in these very successful foot steps by doing everything in your power to increase your own chances for success.

How An Adult With ADHD Can Increase Their Chances For Success

There are actually many things that adults with ADHD can do to increase their chances of success. Here are some things that have proved to be effective to those who have been successful either because of or despite having ADHD.

Getting a proper diagnosis

If you think that you may have adult ADHD and never been diagnosed with this condition then a good place to start is by getting a proper diagnosis.  Once you know for sure whether you have ADHD then and only then can you embark on a treatment plan that works for you.

Find the right treatment plan that works best for you

Despite what the medical profession tries to tell people there is no one treatment plan that works best for all adults (or children for that matter) with ADHD. Prescription medications have some very frightening side effects and they don't work for everyone who has ADHD.  However, there are a number of other treatment options available including behavior modification to teach you tips and tricks on how to lessen the effect of some of the symptoms of ADHD, to diet, to homeopathic and natural supplements and vitamins, to making simple changes in your diet.

Chef Jamie Oliver discovered that eating a healthier diet helped him to deal with his ADHD and now has dedicated himself to helping all children to eat healthier in the hopes of helping them to overcome ADHD and prevent other medical issues both now and in the future.  For others this may mean stepping completely away from those conventional treatments and using natural supplements that help to reduce some of the symptoms of ADHD.

Don't View ADHD as A Curse

Some successful adults with ADHD have stated that they felt their success was, in large part, due to the fact that they viewed their ADHD as a blessing rather than a curse.  While most adults with ADHD may not go so far as to view this condition as a blessing, it also doesn't have to be a curse.  By simply accepting that ADHD is a part of you it makes it far easier to deal effectively with some of the more negative symptoms of this condition.

Get The Support You Need

Surrounding yourself with people who understand and support you is important in almost every single endeavor in life and getting people who support your efforts to deal with the symptoms of ADHD is no different.  It doesn't matter if that support comes from family, friends or other people who have ADHD just knowing that there is someone on your side can help you succeed.

Getting the support that you need also means that you can't be afraid to talk about your condition to others.  Many adults with ADHD who have informed potential employers about their condition have not only found themselves hired, but have discovered that their employer was willing to work with them to help them find ways of getting and staying organized, helping them to stay focus and just overall supporting them and helping to create an environment where they could succeed. While not every employer is so understanding there are those that are and it can make a huge difference in your ability to succeed.

Explaining your condition to your love interest and helping to educate them about ADHD and it's symptoms can also help to solidify a relationship and avoid some of the more common problems that people with ADHD face when in a relationship.  The more informed your partner is about your condition the more likely they will be to understand your seeming lack of attention, or occasional outbursts.

Chose To Do What You Love

Professional dancer Karina Smiroff was diagnosed with ADHD long after she began her dancing career. While she is now receiving treatment for the condition, there is little doubt that her ability to make a career for herself with untreated ADHD was due in large part to choosing to work in a profession that she loved.  Studies have shown that people with ADHD are better able to concentrate when doing something that they are interested in. By choosing a career that you love you will increase your chances of success.

It is possible to live a successful life with ADHD and the first step in doing so is simply believing that it is possible.

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