A Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid? What is That?
Okay now everyone has heard of hemorrhoids and if you are over age thirty you do have a chance of developing one or more in your lifetime.
But if you have heard of, or have been diagnosed with a Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid you may be a little anxious or concerned as to what this exactly is.
A hemorrhoid is a swollen blood vessel.
It can be mild or serious, it can be painful or not.
Sometimes they bleed, and they often itch.
A Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid is located on the outside of the anus and is engorged with blood.
They are usually red or purple due to the collection of blood.
The hemorrhoid may feel hard or may just feel like soft tissue, sort of like a skin tag.
These hemorrhoids can tend to be extremely painful, and can make sitting and even sleeping very uncomfortable.
In some cases these hemorrhoids may even become so engorged with blood that they burst.
Even though this may give relief of pressure and pain, it is something that you should not do yourself.
Once you have developed one you may be wondering how to treat it.
Let's talk about how you can.
Keeping the area clean is of course very important and one way to ensure this is to bathe frequently.
But, I'm not just talking about a normal bath.
I'm talking about a 'sitz' bath, this is a warm saltwater bath.
(You can buy some Epsom salts at your local pharmacy for this.
) The saltwater will not only keep the area clean, it will also help soothe and to reduce the swelling of your external hemorrhoid.
You can do this freely as many times as you wish.
It will keep you comfortable, clean and speed up the healing of your hemorrhoids.
Watching your diet will help to make your recovery less painful.
Eating fiber, in the form of fruits, vegetables and whole grain is where to start.
Drinking a lot of water along with your fiber is essential for it to be beneficial.
This will help to keep your stool bulky and easy to pass.
You do not want to strain at all with your bowel movements, this will prolong your healing and will cause more pain.
Adding some activity to your daily routine will also help your circulation and digestion.
Increased circulation is essential to any part of your body healing and staying healthy.
This will help your external hemorrhoids to heal much faster.
But if you have heard of, or have been diagnosed with a Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid you may be a little anxious or concerned as to what this exactly is.
A hemorrhoid is a swollen blood vessel.
It can be mild or serious, it can be painful or not.
Sometimes they bleed, and they often itch.
A Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid is located on the outside of the anus and is engorged with blood.
They are usually red or purple due to the collection of blood.
The hemorrhoid may feel hard or may just feel like soft tissue, sort of like a skin tag.
These hemorrhoids can tend to be extremely painful, and can make sitting and even sleeping very uncomfortable.
In some cases these hemorrhoids may even become so engorged with blood that they burst.
Even though this may give relief of pressure and pain, it is something that you should not do yourself.
Once you have developed one you may be wondering how to treat it.
Let's talk about how you can.
Keeping the area clean is of course very important and one way to ensure this is to bathe frequently.
But, I'm not just talking about a normal bath.
I'm talking about a 'sitz' bath, this is a warm saltwater bath.
(You can buy some Epsom salts at your local pharmacy for this.
) The saltwater will not only keep the area clean, it will also help soothe and to reduce the swelling of your external hemorrhoid.
You can do this freely as many times as you wish.
It will keep you comfortable, clean and speed up the healing of your hemorrhoids.
Watching your diet will help to make your recovery less painful.
Eating fiber, in the form of fruits, vegetables and whole grain is where to start.
Drinking a lot of water along with your fiber is essential for it to be beneficial.
This will help to keep your stool bulky and easy to pass.
You do not want to strain at all with your bowel movements, this will prolong your healing and will cause more pain.
Adding some activity to your daily routine will also help your circulation and digestion.
Increased circulation is essential to any part of your body healing and staying healthy.
This will help your external hemorrhoids to heal much faster.