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How to Cite Uniform Crime Reports

    APA Style

    • 1). Use the "Document from a Web site" citation method. Start with the author's name; in this case, the author would be the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Follow with the year of the report you are citing, in parentheses and followed by a period. Next, provide the full title of the specific report you are citing, in italics and followed by a period.

    • 2). Provide the exact Web page you are citing as follows: "Retrieved from ________________ (insert full Web page address)," with no period at the end.

    • 3). For example, to cite 2009 violent crime statistics by state, the citation would be

      Federal Bureau of Investigation (2009). Crime in the United States, by State, 2009. Retrieved from

    Chicago Style

    • 1). Use the "Public Document" citation method. Start with the name of the agency, i.e., Federal Bureau of Investigation, followed by a comma, and the name of the document in italics, followed by a comma.

    • 2). In parentheses, provide the location of publication, i.e., Washington, DC, followed by a colon, and the printer and year of publication, separated by a comma. Close the parentheses and end the sentence with a period.

    • 3). For example, to cite 2009 violent crime statistics by state, the citation would be

      Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States, by State, 2009 (Washington, DC: FBI, 2009).

    MLA Style

    • 1). Use the "Government publication" citation method. Start with the name of the country, i.e., United States, followed by a period. Provide the name of the department in which the agency is located, i.e., Dept. of Justice, followed by a period. Provide the full name of the agency, i.e., Federal Bureau of Investigation, followed by a period.

    • 2). Provide the name of the document in italics, followed by a period. Repeat the name of the agency, followed by a comma and the date. Conclude with "Web" and the date you accessed the Web site, in day-month-year format.

    • 3). For example, to cite 2009 violent crime statistics by state, the citation would be

      United States. Dept. of Justice. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Crime in the United States, by State, 2009. Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2009. Web. 30 April 2011.

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