Law & Legal & Attorney Wills & trusts

How to Get a Living Will in Tennessee

    • 1). Download and print the following forms: Advance Care Plan and Appointment of Health Care Agent. See the resources below. These forms are also available at your local Tennessee Department of Health.

    • 2). Complete the Advance Care Plan. Write your name and agent’s name in section 1. In section 2, check the boxes that apply to your “quality of life” wishes. In section 3, check “yes” or “no” in the boxes that indicate which treatment you want to receive should you become disabled. List any other instructions (including burial wishes) on the lines provided on page 2 and check whether you want to donate organs.

    • 3). Appoint a health care agent to make decisions for you based on your advance care plan. Write your name at the top (on the line next to “I”) and list two agents (primary and alternate).

    • 4). Have the document notarized. Bring the completed forms to a Tennessee notary public along with two witnesses. Sign the forms in the presence of the notary. Ask the witnesses to sign both forms on the lines provided.

    • 5). Provide copies to your agent and your physicians. Keep a copy in a safe place.

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