Business & Finance Entrepreneurship-startup

How to Get a License for Septic Pumping in New Jersey

    • 1). Determine the legal structure under which your business will operate. The structure of your business determines the registration and licensing procedures of your business. You may operate either as a sole proprietorship or a legal entity such as a limited liability company. Prepare a detailed description of your pumping business showing information on physical location and address of your business, business name and ownership structure.

    • 2). Complete the business registration form NJ-REG from the New Jersey Division of Revenue to acquire a New Jersey Business Tax Number. Seek their assistance on registration requirements and procedures for your septic pumping business. Inquire on any other tax and licensing requirements necessary to operate a septic pumping business.

    • 3). Register with the IRS to obtain a Federal Tax Identification number, also known as Employer Identification number. This enables you to file and pay federal taxes that your business is liable to pay.

    • 4). Apply for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Solid Waste Collection and/or Disposal from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management. If seeking a license as a limited liability company, attach your certificate of incorporation and proof of insurance for your business and financial statements outlining the financial status of your business. If your company is not incorporated under New Jersey State laws, provide a copy of authority to do business in New Jersey and a copy of your corporate charter.

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