Health & Medical Anxiety

Banish Panic and Anxiety Attacks - Tips From an Expert

Everyone, at sometime or another, has experienced to some degree fearful thoughts about an event, the future or circumstance.
It could be about speaking in front of a group, driving on a busy highway, the thought of losing control in a certain situation, or, maybe, concerns about your health.
It doesn't matter, you know the feelings...
a tightening of your stomach or maybe 'butterflies', feeling lightheaded or dizzy, you can't shake off the dreaded thought.
It begins to take over, it's all you can think about, you become obsessed.
The strong emotion of fear then powers the thought.
Next time the thought comes again, your body and mind will 'remember' the strong emotion, and the fearful thought will have an even stronger connection in your mind.
So, how can you banish these unwelcome anxious thoughts from controlling your life? It may be easier than you imagined.
I have been practicing the simple, yet effective, tips and techniques that will not only help you snap out of these fears but also reduce your overall anxiety significantly, that renowned anxiety expert Joe Barry shares in his free mini ecourse.
These fearful, anxious thoughts will never go away fully, but what can change is your reaction to them, and the mini ecourse provides you with tools to assist you in that change.
So, let those thoughts in, don't push them away, because the more comfortable you can become with them, the better.
It will make it easier for you to change your reaction to them.
Here are two important tips from Joe Barry: TIP # 1-- Now comes the real trick to turning this situation to your advantage.
When things are going well and you are not worrying about anything in particular, actually invite one of your more regular fearful thoughts in!.
Call the fear to you -say you just want it to come close to observe - and again sit back and examine it.
It may seem like the last thing you would wish to bring upon yourself, as you don't particularly enjoy the thoughts.
But this approach can be very empowering.
You are now calling the shots this time - you actually invited the issue in.
This immediately discharges the fear of the thing that is worrying you.
The fear comes when we pull against it like in a tug of war.
It is the mental struggle that creates the tension.
Invite them in willingly and you suddenly place yourself in a unique position of control that you may have never felt you had before.
You are no longer a victim of fearful thinking but a decision maker in what you will or will not be concerned about.
TIP # 2-- Invite the fearful thoughts in willingly and you suddenly place yourself in a unique position of control that you may have never felt you had before.
You are no longer a victim of fearful thinking but a decision maker in what you will or will not be concerned about.
As with every technique there is always a level of practice involved in the beginning.
Initially you may fall into the trap of getting anxious about the fearful thought itself.
But keep at it.
Practice inviting the fear and you will quickly see how less impacting those fearful thoughts become.
The internal battle is over, as you no longer struggle to resist the thought.
When the fearful thought enters your mind, embrace it, try to analyze where and why it came into your mind.
When you begin to understand the deeper origins of the thought, you gain control of the thought.
Use this technique for any thought about which you find yourself worrying about.
It will disimpower it immediately and leave you feeling in control.

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