Pets & Animal Veterinary Medicine

Home Remedies for Dogs Ears

    • Dogs can be prone to repeat ear infections.Dog argentin - Molosse image by philippe marie from

      Taking care of your dog can put the hurt on your wallet. This can be especially true with ear infections; once your dog gets one, he is prone to repeat infections. Learning how to care for an ear infection at home will give your dog a safe and stress-free experience and save you some serious money. Learn what an ear infection looks like so you know when your dog has one. If a vet has already diagnosed an ear infection in your dog once, chances are you know to look for: red, irritated, swollen and even smelly ears.


    • Use vinegar in two ways: First, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to a cup of water and give it to your dog at least twice a week for the duration of the ear infection. Used internally, vinegar will help the infection clear up sooner. Second, use a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water, and apply with cotton squares in and on the infected ear.

    Cod Liver Oil

    • Cod liver oil is a great natural healer. Clean the dog's ears with either a regular ear cleaning solution or the vinegar mixture as described above. Once the ears have been cleaned and allowed to dry, apply a few drops of the cod liver oil in the ear. Depending on the size of the dog's ear, you may want to use a few more drops to get it nicely lubricated. Fold the dog's ear over, and gently massage the outside of the ear, working the oil in. Apply this two to three times a day until the infection is gone.

    Garlic Oil

    • As with cod liver oil, the garlic oil must be applied only after you have cleaned the dog's ears and allowed them to dry. Apply a few drops of the garlic oil directly to the inside of the ear. Gently fold the ear closed and massage the outside of the ear, working the oil further into the ear. Apply this two to three times a day until the infection is gone.

    Warm Compress

    • Apply a warm compress to the outside of your dog's ear if it is extremely swollen and irritated. A washcloth soaked in very warm water will ease the pain. Repeat this as often as you can, at least three times a day if possible. Continue this treatment until signs of the irritation and swelling have subsided.


    • Feed your dog plain yogurt. A couple spoonfuls of plain yogurt mixed in your dog's food will help prevent ear infections. Most ear infections are caused by yeast, so by offsetting the dog's digestion with yogurt cultures, you reduce the possibility of yeast cultures in his ears. And your dog will thank you for the extra tasty goodness in his food.

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