Health & Medical Parenting

Raising Respectful Children - Easy Steps to Better Child Behavior

According to many, good manners and right conduct have taken a back seat to the rigors of modern living.
People nowadays seem to care less on their attitudes and behaviors towards others.
Because of this, moral virtues such as honesty, kindness and respect are slowly being ignored by our present society.
Of course, we would not want this moral and social decadence to continue.
We can do our share by teaching our kids the proper values while they're still young so that these will be imbibed in their young minds.
By doing this, our children will grow up to be adults with a strong sense of proper moral and social conduct.
In teaching our children the concept of respect, there is one important point to keep in mind: respect begets respect.
We have to show respect to our kids first.
This way, they'll know the feeling of being respected and it would not be difficult for them to treat others with the same respect in their later lives.
We also need to show them that we respect other people.
If they grow up in an environment where respect is of utmost importance, the act will be more natural for them.
If ever the children are exposed to rudeness and cruel behavior that could be hurtful (through TV or everyday experiences), lend time to discuss to them the said experience.
Teach them the causes and effects of the behavior and ask them for their opinions as well.
Then, explain to them why some deeds are right and some are wrong or improper.
Children are not exempted from doing good deeds and helping others without the promise of a reward.
Put them in an opportunity where they can practice kindness, helpfulness and generosity without gaining something in return.
This will help them develop a feeling of happiness and fulfillment by helping others especially the ones who are in need.
It should be clear to a child that there is no excuse for bad behavior.
No matter what circumstance you or your children might be in, it must be clear to them that practicing proper social and moral values should be prioritized.
Naturally, we must practice what we preach.
The best way to teach our children anything is for them to actually see us do it every single time.
Let us be the best role models for our kids.

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