Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

The Painful Truth About Hemorrhoid Surgery

One of the most unpopular and expensive of the hemorrhoid treatment is hemorrhoid surgery, which is used only a last resort.
Most people look to other forms of treatment, particularly natural ones.
However for the most severe types of hemorrhoids surgery is a necessity.
Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy as a treatment This type of hemorrhoid surgery is known to the medical community as "Procedure for Prolapsed and Hemorrhoids" or PPH.
This type of surgery consists of putting a tube that is hollow over the internal hemorrhoid.
Using this particular method, to push the cushions of the hemorrhoid into their proper place and then using stapling cuts off the inflamed tissue and connecting the two edges of tissue together.
This hemorrhoid treatment is usually not used unless you have one of the worse types of hemorrhoids.
Normally this procedure gives the patient less pain and after the procedure the person will have a faster recovery than most, however there are some risks that include damages to the person's anal canal, if the doctor removes too much tissue.
If you have really large hemorrhoids this may not be the procedure for you.
Doppler Litigation as a Treatment With this procedure the artery that links the hemorrhoid is specifically pin pointed, which will stop blood from flowing to your hemorrhoid.
By doing this the hemorrhoid may shrink.
Targeting the artery seems like the best procedure; however it is very expensive to have done, Hemorrhoidectomy as a Treatment One of the most painful of all hemorrhoid surgeries and by far the most unpopular, this surgery is not usually chosen unless there is no other alternative, or all other alternatives have been exhausted.
With this hemorrhoid surgery, the hemorrhoid will be cut out completely.
It is very painful and requires the person to take strong prescription drugs to help with the pain afterwards.
A person who has this surgery will need to stay in bed for 4 weeks or longer.
You may also have a difficult time urinating or even controlling your bowel movements once you have had the surgery.
The doctor will not recommend this surgery unless there is no other way.
Information you will need before you choose surgery: oSurgical procedures available oRecovery time oProcedures performed by this doctor oRecommendation for this procedure oTime of actual operation oHospital stay time oReturn to normal activity time (recovery) oSide effects oCost of hemorrhoid surgery Surgery should only be considered as the last option because no other alternative method has worked.
You will find there are a wide range of treatments available that are non surgical that will work just fine for your type of hemorrhoids.

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