Twitter & You - Guidelines to Use Twitter Optimally
Twitter- a funny name at first, but it is not funny for what it can do for you and your blog.
The perfect blend of networking, marketing, interaction, social media and more is what twitter offers you.
So generally when you ask the question- What is Twitter? The answer comes - it's a micro-blogging platform.
But what would a layman make out of it.
Nothing! Void! To be more precise, micro-blogging is an amazing platform where in the users can stay in touch -sending brief updates in form of texts or photos or audio clips and publish them in their network.
Twitter helps you do the same and the updates which you send across are called as Tweets.
There is a word limit of 140 characters per post so you have to be absolute in your approach.
Don't say too much, say it "just" enough! Ease with which it can be used to provide the desired results is just beyond imagination.
Some do's & don'ts would be: a) Get started by creating a profile and making it more doting so that people click on it and be your follower.
b) Invite more people and engage yourself in more conversations.
But make sure you keep your twitter spam free.
c) Attention span shouldn't be short.
Please, please make sure people "hang-in" there.
Here, also make sure you are an active member yourself.
d) No one is as deaf as the man who will not listen.
Yes listen.
This is very important if you want to start a conversation.
Listen to the tète-à-tète that's going on, to be a part of it.
e) Don't jump into the selling as soon as you enter because then there would only be a lot of falling.
f) Link Love- Share links actively on twitter.
Sharing and instant popularity go hand in hand on Twitter! You can either post the link or you can subscribe to Twitter Feed which would post the link of your blog every time a new blog post is made.
g) Including a "Follow Me" Link after every post which you want your target audience to read would be of a lot of help.
Make it look like some sort of a signature to give your post a more "a la mode" outlook.
h) Use Twitter Tools which can help you fetch a lot of traffic.
The traffic on your blog can be increased in a paramount manner if these tools are used efficiently.
TwitterFox, TwitterSearch, LoudSearch,Tweetlater,TweeBeep, Twollo can be used for efficient marketing.
Happy Tweeting!
The perfect blend of networking, marketing, interaction, social media and more is what twitter offers you.
So generally when you ask the question- What is Twitter? The answer comes - it's a micro-blogging platform.
But what would a layman make out of it.
Nothing! Void! To be more precise, micro-blogging is an amazing platform where in the users can stay in touch -sending brief updates in form of texts or photos or audio clips and publish them in their network.
Twitter helps you do the same and the updates which you send across are called as Tweets.
There is a word limit of 140 characters per post so you have to be absolute in your approach.
Don't say too much, say it "just" enough! Ease with which it can be used to provide the desired results is just beyond imagination.
Some do's & don'ts would be: a) Get started by creating a profile and making it more doting so that people click on it and be your follower.
b) Invite more people and engage yourself in more conversations.
But make sure you keep your twitter spam free.
c) Attention span shouldn't be short.
Please, please make sure people "hang-in" there.
Here, also make sure you are an active member yourself.
d) No one is as deaf as the man who will not listen.
Yes listen.
This is very important if you want to start a conversation.
Listen to the tète-à-tète that's going on, to be a part of it.
e) Don't jump into the selling as soon as you enter because then there would only be a lot of falling.
f) Link Love- Share links actively on twitter.
Sharing and instant popularity go hand in hand on Twitter! You can either post the link or you can subscribe to Twitter Feed which would post the link of your blog every time a new blog post is made.
g) Including a "Follow Me" Link after every post which you want your target audience to read would be of a lot of help.
Make it look like some sort of a signature to give your post a more "a la mode" outlook.
h) Use Twitter Tools which can help you fetch a lot of traffic.
The traffic on your blog can be increased in a paramount manner if these tools are used efficiently.
TwitterFox, TwitterSearch, LoudSearch,Tweetlater,TweeBeep, Twollo can be used for efficient marketing.
Happy Tweeting!