Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Causes of Noisy Hot Water Pipes

    • Pipes and wiring have to fit in small spaces.plumbing image by Inger Anne Hulb?|kdal from Fotolia.com

      Water moving through a home's water pipes can cause a variety of puzzling noises. When you hear the noise only when using hot water, the problem is usually caused by copper pipes, which expand as hot water goes through them making them rub against wood or metal, such as studs, joists, or the straps and brackets supporting the pipes. This is not the same as water hammer, which is caused by fluctuating water pressure causing the pipes to vibrate.


    Creaking and Cracking


    Other Causes

    Possible Fixes

    • Another type of clamp.bague de serrage image by Unclesam from Fotolia.com

      Since loose pipes or pipes crowded into too small a space or with insufficient supports usually cause noisy hot water pipes, you would have to open the wall up, which is usually a costly and messy fix, to add foam insulation, make more space for the pipes or replace metal hangers or clamps with plastic ones.

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