Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

How to Find the Best Treatment For Genital Warts

It affects over six million people in United States alone and each year another two million are diagnosed.
Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease and there is no cure.
However, you can find a treatment for genital warts that you can use in the privacy of your home.
The Symptoms Symptoms of this condition include flat or raised cauliflower shaped lesions on the genitals or anus.
Itching, stinging, burning, and irritation are commonly reported.
It also may be quite painful during intercourse, but this is usually reported more often in women than in men.
The Causes The Human Papilloma Virus or HPV is the cause of genital warts.
While there are over 100 different strains of this virus, there are about 30 that will cause genital warts.
About 66 percent of people that have this condition contracted it through sex with someone who already had it.
It may also be spread to babies born through the birth canal of a woman who is infected.
While there it is not proven, many expert believe that you can get it through contact with fomites, which are objects that carry the virus that can pass from one person to another.
These might include bath towels or certain contaminated medical equipment.
Treatment Since there is no cure, many people are turning to any possible treatment for genital warts.
Your doctor has several options available, but there are also a number of treatments available that do not require a prescription.
The internet is the best way to find these possible options.
Some products are not worth the money, so be careful.
Before you purchase any of these products, it's best to look for reviews from unbiased consumers.
You can quickly learn a lot about a product through one of these review site, such as effectiveness, cost, and how easy the product is to use.
Some of these products will freeze the affected area, so the lesions will fall off.
However, it's recommended that this procedure is performed in a doctor's office simply because you may damage healthy tissue if you use some of the at home products.
There are other products, such as creams that can alleviate much of the itching and burning.
In Closing You don't have to suffer from this embarrassing condition.
There are plenty of treatment options available that can alleviate many of the symptoms.
It's a matter of deciding which one will work best and if you want to use a home system or not.

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