Endangered Animal Species of Peru
Peru is home to a depressingly long list of endangered animal species. The following list highlights all those species, 44 of which are considered critically endangered and 88 endangered (more than 60 of which are frog and toad species).
The list itself is based on current data (2014) from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Some notes have been added to further explain certain species, particularly those that do not have a self-explanatory common name listed on the Red List (scientific name only).
The list itself is based on current data (2014) from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Some notes have been added to further explain certain species, particularly those that do not have a self-explanatory common name listed on the Red List (scientific name only).
Critically Endangered Animal Species of Peru (44)
- Ameerega planipaleae (Oxapampa Poison Frog)
- Atelopus erythropus (Carabaya Stubfoot Toad)
- Atelopus andinus (Andes Stubfoot Toad)
- Atelopus epikeisthos (toad)
- Atelopus eusebiodiazi (toad)
- Atelopus pachydermus (Schmidt's Stubfoot Toad)
- Atelopus patazensis (toad)
- Atelopus peruensis (Peru Stubfoot Toad)
- Atelopus podocarpus (toad)
- Atelopus pulcher (toad)
- Atelopus pyrodactylus (toad)
- Atelopus reticulatus (toad)
- Atelopus seminiferus (Upper Amazon Stubfoot Toad)
- Callicebus oenanthe (San Martin Titi Monkey)
- Chinchilla chinchilla (Short-tailed Chinchilla)
- Cinclodes aricomae (Royal Cinclodes; bird)
- Cinclodes palliatus (White-bellied Cinclodes; bird)
- Eulidia yarrellii (Chilean Woodstar; hummingbird)
- Gastrotheca zeugocystis (frog)
- Hypodactylus lucida (frog)
- Melanomys zunigae (Zuniga's Dark Rice Rat)
- Oreobates pereger (frog)
- Oreonax flavicauda (Peruvian Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey)
- Pauxi koepckeae (Sira Curassow; bird)
- Penelope albipennis (White-winged Guan)
- Phoebastria irrorata (Waved Albatross)
- Phrynopus dagmarae (frog)
- Phrynopus heimorum (frog)
- Phrynopus juninensis (frog)
- Phrynopus kauneorum (frog)
- Phrynopus peruanus (Peters' Andes Frog)
- Phrynopus tautzorum (frog)
- Podiceps taczanowskii (Junin Grebe)
- Polioptila clementsi (Iquitos Gnatcatcher)
- Pristimantis pardalinus (frog)
- Pristimantis simonsii (frog)
- Pristis pristis (Largetooth Sawfish)
- Pterodroma phaeopygia (Galapagos Petrel)
- Rhinella chavin (toad)
- Sciaena callaensis (fish; 40 years since the last recorded occurrence of this species)
- Synallaxis maranonica (Maranon Spinetail)
- Telmatobius culeus (Titicaca Water Frog)
- Telmatobius punctatus (frog)
- Telmatobius timens (frog)
Endangered Animal Species of Peru (88)
- Aglaeactis aliciae (Purple-backed Sunbeam; bird)
- Ameerega silverstonei (Silverstone's Poison Frog)
- Amorphochilus schnablii (Smokey Bat)
- Anairetes alpinus (Ash-breasted Tit-tyrant)
- Ateles belzebuth (White-bellied Spider Monkey)
- Ateles chamek (Black-faced Black Spider Monkey)
- Atelopus dimorphus (toad)
- Atelopus oxapampae (toad)
- Atlapetes melanopsis (Black-spectacled Brush-finch)
- Aulacorhynchus huallagae (Yellow-browed Toucanet)
- Balaenoptera borealis (Sei Whale)
- Balaenoptera musculus (Blue Whale)
- Balaenoptera physalus (Fin Whale)
- Brotogeris pyrrhoptera (Grey-cheeked Parakeet)
- Bryophryne bustamantei (frog)
- Bryophryne cophites (frog)
- Buthraupis aureodorsalis (Golden-backed Mountain-tanager)
- Cacicus koepckeae (Selva Cacique; bird)
- Centrolene azulae (frog)
- Centrolene fernandoi (glass frog)
- Chelonia mydas (Green Turtle)
- Crax globulosa (Wattled Curassow)
- Excidobates mysteriosus (Marañón Poison Frog)
- Gastrotheca stictopleura (frog)
- Grallaria ridgelyi (Jocotoco Antpitta; bird)
- Grallaricula ochraceifrons (Ochre-fronted Antpitta; bird)
- Heliangelus regalis (Royal Sunangel; hummingbird)
- Herpsilochmus parkeri (Ash-throated Antwren)
- Hyloxalus azureiventris (Rana Venenosa; frog)
- Hyloxalus elachyhistus (Loja Rocket Frog)
- Isostichopus fuscus (Brown Sea Cucumber)
- Lagothrix cana (Geoffroy's Wooly Monkey/Peruvian Woolly Monkey)
- Laterallus tuerosi (Junin Rail)
- Leopardus jacobita (Andean Cat)
- Leptasthenura xenothorax (White-browed Tit-spinetail)
- Loddigesia mirabilis (Marvelous Spatuletail)
- Lontra felina (Marine Otter)
- Lynchius parkeri (frog)
- Melanophryne carpish (frog)
- Myiarchus semirufus (Rufous Flycatcher)
- Nymphargus mariae (Maria's Giant Glass Frog)
- Oreobates ayacucho (frog)
- Pachyramphus spodiurus (Slaty Becard; bird)
- Pelecanoides garnotii (Peruvian Diving-petrel)
- Phrynopus bracki (Ranita De La Cordillera Yanachaga; frog)
- Phrynopus montium (frog)
- Phyllomedusa baltea (frog)
- Phyllotis definitus (Definitive Leaf-eared Mouse)
- Phytotoma raimondii (Peruvian Plantcutter; bird)
- Picumnus steindachneri (Speckle-chested Piculet)
- Poecilotriccus luluae (Lulu's Tody-flycatcher)
- Poospiza alticola (Plain-tailed Warbling-finch)
- Poospiza rubecula (Rufous-breasted Warbling-finch)
- Pristimantis cosnipatae (frog)
- Pristimantis cryptomelas (frog)
- Pristimantis melanogaster (frog)
- Pristimantis ornatus (frog)
- Pristimantis proserpens (frog)
- Pristimantis rhodoplichus (frog)
- Pseudastur occidentalis (Grey-backed Hawk)
- Psychrophrynella boettgeri (frog)
- Psychrophrynella usurpator (frog)
- Pteronura brasiliensis (Giant Otter)
- Ranitomeya summersi (Summers’ Poison Frog)
- Rhinella nesiotes (toad)
- Rollandia microptera (Titicaca Grebe)
- Rulyrana saxiscandens (frog)
- Spizaetus isidori (Black-and-chestnut Eagle)
- Sternula lorata (Peruvian Tern)
- Sturnira nana (Lesser Yellow-shouldered Bat)
- Synallaxis tithys (Blackish-headed Spinetail)
- Synallaxis zimmeri (Russet-bellied Spinetail)
- Taphrolesbia griseiventris (Grey-bellied Comet)
- Tapirus pinchaque (Mountain Tapir)
- Telmatobius brachydactylus (Amable Maria Frog)
- Telmatobius brevipes (Huahachuco Water Frog)
- Telmatobius brevirostris (frog)
- Telmatobius colanensis (Colan Water Frog)
- Telmatobius degener (frog)
- Telmatobius ignavus (frog)
- Telmatobius latirostris (frog)
- Telmatobius macrostomus (Andes Smooth Frog)
- Telmatobius mayoloi (frog)
- Telmatobius necopinus (frog)
- Telmatobius thompsoni (frog)
- Telmatobius truebae (frog)
- Terenura sharpei (Yellow-rumped Antwren)
- Xenoglaux loweryi (Long-whiskered Owlet)