Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Top 7 Symptoms For Genital Warts Identification

If you have genital warts, there are many treatments that you may resort to, in order to get rid of them for good.
Although there is no perfect cure for these warts, there are effective solutions to use to remove them.
However, the first thing you need to do is to understand the major genital warts symptoms.
Here are 7 well-known indications and signs that a person may come across, when he/she is affected with the genital infections- o Increased injuries in genital portion.
o Cauliflower-like warts in the genital region.
o Increased wetness in the surrounding region where the infection is suspected.
o Itches and Scratches around anus, penis or scrotum.
o Itches/Scratches in the areas like the urethra, vagina, anus or cervix, in case of women.
o Large amounts of vaginal ejection.
o Vaginal blood-loss without any apparent reason.
These warts get transmitted from one person to another, and hence tagged as STDs or the sexually transmittable diseases.
They're caused by the human papilloma virus, often referred to as the HPV.
There are numerous symptoms for genital warts, but at times the patient may not exhibit any of these symptoms at all.
The symptoms for genital warts become pretty clear soon after the virus get exposed to your physical parts, which could happen in a few days time or it could even take months together.
As far as the appearance of these warts is concerned, they're hard to spot during initial stages, but as they grow bigger, they take the shape of cauliflower florets.
They may match the color of your skin, or sometimes even appear white, grey or black in colour.
These warts may cause pain in bowel movements, obstruction while urinating, but never cause pain during their evolution, so it becomes even tougher to observe their growth.
Basically, this disease is contagious and it easily passes from person to person! So, you must quickly identify the symptoms for genital warts and eradicate them before it becomes too late.

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