How to Put Up a Chair Rail in a Nursery
- 1). Decide how high you want the chair rail to be on the wall. The typical height for chair rails is 32 inches above the floor. Using a tape measure, mark this height in regular increments all the way around the room.
- 2). Using a stud finder, locate the wall studs along the chair rail and mark them as well.
- 3). Using a tape measure, measure the length of each wall in the room to determine how much chair railing to purchase. Add several inches to this measurement to account for the cuts you will make at each corner.
- 4). Attach the chair railing to the wall using a hammer and 2 1/2 inch finishing nails. Make sure to place the nails into the wall stud locations.
- 5). To connect chair rails at wall corners, cut one end of the railing square with the edge of a wall. Cut the other end into a coped cut using a coping saw. The easiest way to do this is to take the piece of railing you want to cut and place another piece of railing at the end of it at a 90-degree angle. Using a pencil, trace the outline of the edge of the railing pointing upward onto the piece that you will cut. Cut out the trace mark carefully with a coping saw.
- 6). Continue cutting and installing the chair rail until you have gone around the entire room.
- 7). Go back along the chair rail and sink the nails by placing the nail set tool over each nail and tapping slightly with a hammer.