Business & Finance Social Media

Twitter - How it Can Grow Your Business

"Follow me on Twitter".
Those words are becoming mainstream today.
Everyday we hear that statement on television, in magazines and on the radio.
Twitter is exploding with growth.
What is all this talk about Twitter and more importantly what in the world is it? Twitter is a social networking/mini blog site.
For those of you that are not too up on the lingo, social networking is simply a site where people can interact with others, make friends, network and get there name out on the internet.
A blog is simply a web log which is like a journal entry.
What makes Twitter different is users are limited on how much they can type.
The site will only let you type 140 characters making each person's entry short, succinct and to the point.
An entry that you type in is called a "tweet" Twitter answers the question "What are you doing?" While this is how many people use this site, it can also be a very valuable marketing tool.
As an example, if you are in real estate you could provide daily tips for those selling a home.
This site allows you to "follow" others.
When you follow others you are able to read their daily blog entries.
Many internet marketers are using this blog entry to give free valuable tips or links to information.
When you provide free valuable information you will attract more and more people to you.
This is the secret to attraction marketing where you attract prospects to you instead of chasing after your prospects.
You will find that many people on Twitter have fancy backgrounds.
There is no need to pay someone to create these backgrounds.
I created my background in a few minutes with Powerpoint.
You can create a great looking background the same way.
Feel free to contact me and I'll show you.
Twitter is easy to use and it's FREE.
What a great way to network and attract new prospects.
One word of caution.
If you use it to pitch your business you are missing the point of social networking.
Go ahead, give it a shot.
The world is waiting to read your tweets.

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