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Water Birth Information

    The History of Water Birth

    • Intentional water birth was first performed in the 1960s in the Soviet Union. An obstetrician there theorized that babies have an easier time transitioning to the outside world if they enter it through an environment that's similar to the womb, i.e. one that is wet and warm. Further research indicated that being in the water was also beneficial to the mother, helping to ease the pain in her lower back and stretching out the perineum.

    Water Births in the United States

    • Giving birth in the water was popularized in the United States due to home births. Women were laboring in their bathtubs or in rented birthing pools. Soon, some hospitals and birthing centers began adding birthing tubs and pools to their own facilities, although many of these places require that while women can labor in the water, they must deliver their babies outside of the pool.

    Risks Associated With Water Births

    • While more studies are yet to be performed on this subject, one of the concerns associated with water birth is that the water could increase the risk of infection between mother and infant. Studies have shown, however, that the risk is low, and it's even lower when the water birth is performed at a hospital. Another risk with water birth is that it's difficult to gauge in the water how much blood the mother has lost during labor.

    What Happens to the Baby in the Water?

    • Babies don't actually start breathing on their own until after the mucus is suctioned out of their airways, so they won't breathe in the water immediately after being born. However, they are taken out of the water within the first few seconds of birth so that they can be suctioned, cleaned and properly examined.

    Is Water Birth Right for You?

    • If you have had a relatively normal pregnancy, speak with your health care professional about whether a water birth is a good idea for your situation. If you have high blood pressure or are expecting multiples or a breech baby, you will likely be discouraged from having a water birth, as complications may arise.

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