South Dakota Codified Laws on Game, Fish & Parks
- The South Dakota State Legislature has set down rules governing the Department of Game, Fish and Parks.south dakota image by jedphoto from
The South Dakota State Legislature has set down laws governing the Department of Game, Fish and Parks. The code of laws gives authority to the department to make rulings and to govern all three areas. The state does give some direction, but in many areas the department is able to make decisions on how to best manage the state's resources. Even so, many laws on the state books set policy that governs what the department may do. - One of the most basic laws the State Legislature has passed in this regard, is giving the Department of Game, Fish and parks, authority and responsibility to manage these three areas. It also allows the department to decide which animals or fish should be preserved. Some animals are more valuable and some are more threatened and need greater protection, and it is up to the department to make those choices.
- The legislature has given the Department of Game, Fish and Parks authority over game and fish in the state. It may move fish and game from one place to another in an effort to stock certain areas. It may also have special hunts during the year if it needs to alter the population of a certain area.
- While the state has given the department authority over managing fish and wildlife, it has set several laws regarding licensing requirements. There are various requirements for age, and exemptions in some cases. Another law is that you may hunt certain animals on your own property, and you may kill certain animals regardless of season if they are doing damage to your property.
- The State has directed the department to provide a class on hunter safety, and everyone must pass that class in order to purchase a hunting license in the state. The class, which is required by most states, teaches basic hunter safety and involves classroom and field work. There is a test at the end that must be passed.
- The Department of Game, Fish and Parks, for the most part sets seasons based on research and efforts to manage various animals in the state. The legislature has set certain laws that govern types of weapons and methods of hunting that may be used.
- The State Legislature has a law saying that it must approve the creation, or designation, of any state park. The codified law sets rules for operation of state parks, and promises funding for its state parks.