Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

STD - How to GET One Without Having Sex

To acquire an STD, you must allow your own mucus membranes - which line the genital areas but are also in the mouth, rectum and on the eye surface - to come into contact with the infected mucus membranes of another person.
What is he talking about? I can almost hear you saying, I don't understand all this.
OK, let me be frank like I am with teenagers.
It isn't just for coitus that you have to protect yourself.
Coitus meaning heterosexual sexual acts that could result in pregnancy.
There are other sexual activities that could result in an STD transmission.
Most teens and adults do not use barrier protection when they engage in oral sex.
I personally have seen Gonorrhea, Trichomonas, Herpes type I and II cause by oral sex.
Investigators say that they have linked several cases of HIV infection to oral sexual activity.
The easiest way to acquire HIV is through receptive anal sex.
Use of lubes and gels containing Nonoxyl-9, intended to stop STD transmission may actually make it easier.
Nonoxyl-9 has been shown to irritate rectal and vaginal mucus membranes and cause lesions that make transmission easier.
Men having sex with men and heterosexual couples that engage in rectal intercourse to avoid pregnancy or for alternative sexual pleasure are at high risk for HPV, HIV, and all other STDs if they do not use protection.
Even mutual masturbation carries some risk of STD transmission.
Touch them, touch yourself, transfer body fluids and you can get an infection you thought you were avoiding by engaging in this SAFE activity.
Not always so, and sometimes the nicest person has an infection like Herpes of which they are unaware.
The only safe way to have sex is for both partners to be tested before engaging in sexual activity, use protection in every form of sexual activity and stay in a monogamous relationship.
Remember no test can certify that a person does not have HPV.

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