Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Hot Tub Repair

Hot Tubs are fantastic place to calm down and unwind, but if your spa stops working or is faulty you will really start to miss it and will just want it working as quickly as possible.
The difficulty is that you might have problems finding a company that is willing to repair your tub and able to travel to you, as many repair business will only repair certain makes and models and will only cover certain parts of England.
There are many repair companies that can repair every hot tub or spas but will not cover the whole of the UK.
The best place to find a repair company is by searching the internet.
Most repairs will take no longer than 2 hours (unless there is a leak to find) on top of call out charge and hourly rate would be the cost of the parts.
Cost of parts will vary depending on the item, for a replacement pump the cost would be around £450, a control pack would be £400, Topside would be £150 and replacement ozone would be £190 Hot Tub Repairs do seem expensive but remember that tubs do cost a lot to buy at the start.
Plus the pumps and heater and working 24 hours a day 7 days a week to ensure the water is heated to you perfect temperature and the water is clean ready for when you want to jump in.
Spas do work a lot of the time so you will expect a few things to go wrong after a few years So if your tub does stop working or start causing a problem it's recommended to call in the engineer straight away to ensure it gets fixed as quickly as possible so you can get back using it.

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