Health & Medical Anxiety

Anxiety While Driving - 4 Easy Tips to Get Over It

Who else is tired of getting anxiety while driving? I sure was, but luckily...
I no longer suffer from anxiety when I'm on the road.
How did I conquer my fear of driving? It weren't an easy task to overcome my fear of driving.
I had a hard time beating my fear of freeways, where driving at high speed is necessary.
Not very nice, as my anxiety ramped up as the speed increased, and before I knew it, I'm close to getting panic attacks! Perhaps you have experienced a panic attack before, if you have than know this.
Panic attacks only hit's you should you feed anxiety with fear.
What you want to do is to stop feeding it.
Don't stop, but keep driving and whatever you do, never give into your fear.
If you keep feeding your anxiety, will only increase the overweighing feelings, and could completely overpower you, which will end up in a panic attack.
To avoid getting those panic attacks, try these easy to use tips below:
  1. Listen to Music.
    Play music that is relaxing, the more relaxed you are the better.
    Well, not too relaxed...
    as you need to be somewhat aware as you're steering your vehicle!
  2. Take deep breaths.
    Whenever you feel anxious and the typical sings hits you.
    Take deep and controlled breaths, do not rush but take control! You are the master!
  3. Get a partner.
    Having company with you is great, I personally find this reassuring.
    But if you find this uncomfortable or embarrassing, then try not to be, as having someone at your side can be of great help when you face your fear.
  4. Air circulation.
    If it's hot inside, open your window and let some cold, refreshing air inside.
    It's also a great way to get some fresh oxygen to your brain.
    However, never have an open window should you drive through a tunnel, as there is a lot of dust and polluted air outside.
This concludes this article.
You have learned how to overcome your anxiety while driving, and you now also know the basics of how anxiety works.
You now know that to lower your level of anxiety, and its symptoms.
You have to stop feeding it, and keep charging ahead.
Do this, and you should be able to beat your fear of driving in no time.
But try not to rush, as you will only get frustrated should you see no progress.
Conquering your fear of driving is something that will take time, but if you are dedicated to curing this phobia, positive results will show in the end.

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