Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Get Advice For the Best Puppy Training Methods!

When you bring the puppy home, you should start his training immediately so that it turns out to be the best puppy training.
But training a dog and a puppy has only one difference.
You have to keep the training sessions as short as possible because your puppy has a very short attention span.
This will make him enjoy the sessions.
Training sessions for your puppy must not exceed twenty minutes.
Some owners use negative reinforcements for puppy training.
But experts in puppy training recommend only positive motivation is the best puppy training.
Praise and treats form the major part of positively training your puppy.
Clicker training is also one of the best puppy training techniques.
You should use the clicker the moment your puppy does a good job or behaves well.
Timing is very important.
You should use it immediately and not after some time.
If you use after a little while, your puppy may not understand why you are using the clicker.
He may not be able to associate your use of clicker with the behavior he exhibited a little while ago.
Clicker method is used to indicate to your puppy that he will be rewarded.
House Training must be started when your puppy is brought home.
For house training, you can use the crate training because this is the best puppy training method as most of the experts suggest this.
While procuring the crate, you should ensure that it is larger than the present requirement because it should accommodate him when he grows.
But for limiting the space for the puppy to move, you can use hard card boards and things like that.
Once he needs more space, you may remove the card boards to make available to him the required space.
A dog crate is the most useful equipment for house training your puppy.
You have to be be consistent and persistent while giving the best puppy training.
Patience is the best virtue for training your puppy.
You should decide the behavior expected from him and stick to it for training him towards achieving it.
Socialization must start like other aspects of best puppy training when he is brought home.
He must be taken with you to places like shopping malls, etc.
so that he comes across many strangers and other animals.
This will remove the fear element from his mind and he will start behaving with strangers and other dogs in a normal manner.
He will start liking new environments also and will not get annoyed when he is taken to a new place.
Socializing him will increase his confidence level also.
As a part of best puppy training, you have to provide him with chewable toys for making him shed the habit of chewing your expensive carpets and furniture.
Initially, you should limit his movements in your house by earmarking only a few places where he can enter.

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