H.R. 297: More Gun Control That Won"t Work
Our human rights are under assault in the USA, yet again, reports Gun Owners of America (GOA).
In the House of Representatives, Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) is once again showing his colors as an anti-gunner. You see, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) is pushing a gun control bill (H.R. 297) in the wake of the crime committed at Virginia Tech... and Dingell is helping her along.
Dingell is a strange bird... at one time, he was a National Rifle Association (NRA) board member, so although he supported the foolish Clinton gun ban, some misguided souls believe that he represents the interests of gun owners.
In that way, he is given credence by those who don't know any better. And now he's sitting down with a rabid anti-gunner in an attempt to decide our fate. This stinks!
The bill being discussed provides roughly $1 billion to the states to "provide the National Instant Criminal Background Check System [NICS] with all records concerning persons who are prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm... regardless of the elapsed time since the disqualifying event."
GOA warns that "this could lead to millions more Americans being included in the FBI's database of prohibited persons," and calls the proposed legislation "the most massive expansion of gun control in over a decade."
So where is the NRA in all this? Supporting the proposed gun control legislation, that's where! GOA reports that "Dingell is in negotiations with the NRA to come up with a 'compromise' as quickly as possible," and in an April interview the NRA spoke in support of the proposed gun control bill.
What the hell? I lost most of my respect for NRA several years ago, but this seems to be a new low, even for them.
Sure, they continuously beg members for money and do little positive work protecting our rights. Sure, they compromise away our freedoms... well heck, I'm not sure where I was going with that, but I guess the gist is this: the NRA sucks. It has become an organization that simply can't be trusted.
To NRA members, I say this: Beware! You are putting your trust in the wrong place, and will regret it one day soon. Don't let the NRA's reputation as a defender of freedom cloud your judgement... they are turncoats.
On the other side of the coin is the GOA, which does not compromise on the issue of human rights. While NRA supports the proposed law, GOA warns that the legislation could "block millions of additional, honest gun owners from buying firearms."
Perhaps the ugliest part of this is the fact that, if the crimes committed at VA Tech prove anything about gun control, it is that gun control is a failure. If one or more of the victims had been armed, then the story would likely have had a much different ending, and less blood would have been spilled.
Rather than creating new infringements on our rights (and wasting yet another billion of our tax dollars), Congress should be concentrating on removing gun control laws that prevent citizens from arming themselves. The laws now in place force law-abiding citizens to become victims and statistics rather than productive wives, husbands, and future leaders of this nation.
For the record, I am not a member of NRA, and haven't been for several years... but I am a Life Member of Gun Owners of America.
- Russ Chastain
In the House of Representatives, Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) is once again showing his colors as an anti-gunner. You see, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) is pushing a gun control bill (H.R. 297) in the wake of the crime committed at Virginia Tech... and Dingell is helping her along.
Dingell is a strange bird... at one time, he was a National Rifle Association (NRA) board member, so although he supported the foolish Clinton gun ban, some misguided souls believe that he represents the interests of gun owners.
In that way, he is given credence by those who don't know any better. And now he's sitting down with a rabid anti-gunner in an attempt to decide our fate. This stinks!
The bill being discussed provides roughly $1 billion to the states to "provide the National Instant Criminal Background Check System [NICS] with all records concerning persons who are prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm... regardless of the elapsed time since the disqualifying event."
GOA warns that "this could lead to millions more Americans being included in the FBI's database of prohibited persons," and calls the proposed legislation "the most massive expansion of gun control in over a decade."
So where is the NRA in all this? Supporting the proposed gun control legislation, that's where! GOA reports that "Dingell is in negotiations with the NRA to come up with a 'compromise' as quickly as possible," and in an April interview the NRA spoke in support of the proposed gun control bill.
What the hell? I lost most of my respect for NRA several years ago, but this seems to be a new low, even for them.
Sure, they continuously beg members for money and do little positive work protecting our rights. Sure, they compromise away our freedoms... well heck, I'm not sure where I was going with that, but I guess the gist is this: the NRA sucks. It has become an organization that simply can't be trusted.
To NRA members, I say this: Beware! You are putting your trust in the wrong place, and will regret it one day soon. Don't let the NRA's reputation as a defender of freedom cloud your judgement... they are turncoats.
On the other side of the coin is the GOA, which does not compromise on the issue of human rights. While NRA supports the proposed law, GOA warns that the legislation could "block millions of additional, honest gun owners from buying firearms."
Perhaps the ugliest part of this is the fact that, if the crimes committed at VA Tech prove anything about gun control, it is that gun control is a failure. If one or more of the victims had been armed, then the story would likely have had a much different ending, and less blood would have been spilled.
Rather than creating new infringements on our rights (and wasting yet another billion of our tax dollars), Congress should be concentrating on removing gun control laws that prevent citizens from arming themselves. The laws now in place force law-abiding citizens to become victims and statistics rather than productive wives, husbands, and future leaders of this nation.
For the record, I am not a member of NRA, and haven't been for several years... but I am a Life Member of Gun Owners of America.
- Russ Chastain