Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Instructions for Grafting Fruit Trees

    • 1). Choose the two fruit trees that will be involved in the grafting process. The trees should be of compatible types. For example, apple trees and pear trees can be grafted together, but citrus trees can only be grafted onto other citrus trees.

    • 2). Cut a small branch from the donor fruit tree. A branch measuring 1 to 2 inches in diameter is most appropriate for this task. Use a 45-degree-angle cut in order for the scion and stock to be attached most effectively. Be sure the cut is clean, smooth and as straight as possible to allow for better contact between the two attached parts. This can be accomplished using a fine-toothed hand saw.

    • 3). Find a branch on the host fruit tree that closely matches the donor branch in size. Cut the branch at a 45-degree angle with attention to the quality of the cut. The branch cut from the host tree can be discarded or used to graft onto another tree.

    • 4). Place the scion on the stock, paying special attention to lining up the cambium layer of each branch. The cambium layer is located toward the center of the branch, directly beneath the bark. This layer is the part of the fruit tree that causes it to grow.

    • 5). Secure the scion and stock using grafting tape that is available in stores that specialize in lawn and garden supplies. While holding both parts securely in place, wrap the tape tightly around the branches, beginning at the uppermost point of the joint and continuing downward until all parts of the joint are covered.

    • 6). Allow the joint to fuse together for three to four weeks before removing the tape. The graft will usually not be strong enough to support the newly attached branch before the end of this time. Check the graft daily to ensure good contact of the scion with the stock.

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