Yeast Infections in the Mouth
Yeast infections in the mouth is also referred to as thrush and it is pretty common in children and a category of other people.
The normal quantity of yeast that is found in our systems finds a way of overgrowing and causes the infection.
The yeast is a fungus and it is known as candida albicans.
It is also known as monilia and the infections it causes are either candidiasis or moniliasis.
It is single celled and you should take time to notice that the organism still has the capacity overgrow.
Many people have been affected in one way or the other.
Candida thrive in pleasant environments where there is warmth, food and moisture.
There are several factors that cause yeast infection in the mouth and some of them can be avoided while others cannot be changed.
The first cause of yeast overgrowth that can be changed is the use of birth control pills.
In this category you will also find steroids and antibiotics.
They are very strong medications and their work is solely to kill all the bacteria in the body if you have heard of friendly bacteria.
They are organisms that help us in regulating the amount of yeast in the body.
They do this by killing the organism.
Therefore, if they are killed the body becomes prone to infections.
Yeast infection in the mouth can also be caused by a dry mouth.
If you are the kind who finds themselves dry when it comes to the mouth, there are products you can use so that you can put the dryness problem in history.
If you a not sure which ones, make sure you consult a health professional so that you can be helped effectively.
Another cause for the infection is pregnancy.
Here, a woman will have a lot of hormonal imbalances and sweet secretions as a result of high glucose in the body will be released.
Since yeast loves the presence of warm and moist conditions, it gets an opportunity of growth.
Yeast infection in the mouth is also called thrush and some other causes are as follows.
People who smoke are at increased risk of developing thrush.
Smoke will definitely alter the environment in the mouth and when this happens, yeast is able to detect this and, multiply as a result.
Yeast will grow in the mouth when you have a history of wearing dentures.
Therefore, you have to be careful and know what your factor for overgrowth is and avoid it.
Other causes for the infection in the mouth include chronic diseases like diabetes.
When you know you have an underlying diseases, you need to have it checked and treated.
If you suffer cancer, make sure you manage it with the necessary medication.
Yeast infection in the mouth comes with very severe and difficult symptoms which include the following.
There will be white patches in the mouth an beneath there will be red sore tissue.
Others are that you will feel like food is stuck in you throat.
You might also experience fever and general unwell.
The normal quantity of yeast that is found in our systems finds a way of overgrowing and causes the infection.
The yeast is a fungus and it is known as candida albicans.
It is also known as monilia and the infections it causes are either candidiasis or moniliasis.
It is single celled and you should take time to notice that the organism still has the capacity overgrow.
Many people have been affected in one way or the other.
Candida thrive in pleasant environments where there is warmth, food and moisture.
There are several factors that cause yeast infection in the mouth and some of them can be avoided while others cannot be changed.
The first cause of yeast overgrowth that can be changed is the use of birth control pills.
In this category you will also find steroids and antibiotics.
They are very strong medications and their work is solely to kill all the bacteria in the body if you have heard of friendly bacteria.
They are organisms that help us in regulating the amount of yeast in the body.
They do this by killing the organism.
Therefore, if they are killed the body becomes prone to infections.
Yeast infection in the mouth can also be caused by a dry mouth.
If you are the kind who finds themselves dry when it comes to the mouth, there are products you can use so that you can put the dryness problem in history.
If you a not sure which ones, make sure you consult a health professional so that you can be helped effectively.
Another cause for the infection is pregnancy.
Here, a woman will have a lot of hormonal imbalances and sweet secretions as a result of high glucose in the body will be released.
Since yeast loves the presence of warm and moist conditions, it gets an opportunity of growth.
Yeast infection in the mouth is also called thrush and some other causes are as follows.
People who smoke are at increased risk of developing thrush.
Smoke will definitely alter the environment in the mouth and when this happens, yeast is able to detect this and, multiply as a result.
Yeast will grow in the mouth when you have a history of wearing dentures.
Therefore, you have to be careful and know what your factor for overgrowth is and avoid it.
Other causes for the infection in the mouth include chronic diseases like diabetes.
When you know you have an underlying diseases, you need to have it checked and treated.
If you suffer cancer, make sure you manage it with the necessary medication.
Yeast infection in the mouth comes with very severe and difficult symptoms which include the following.
There will be white patches in the mouth an beneath there will be red sore tissue.
Others are that you will feel like food is stuck in you throat.
You might also experience fever and general unwell.