Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Male Genital Warts

Male Genital warts are sexually transmitted disease caused by Human Papilloma virus.
These are tiny, pinkish red, cauliflower like clustered bumps or outgrowths on genital mucosal skin.
They can occur in clusters or as single as well and have tendency to grow in size and number with time.
Sometimes they disappear also.
Genital warts in male can occur on head of penis, shaft of penis, scrotum, and anus and area between scrotum and penis.
HPV virus belongs to a family of viruses called Human papilloma virus.
It has about 100 strains of HPV viruses responsible for causing different sexually transmitted infections.
Once HPV virus gains entry through the body, it can show immediate effects but it also has a latency period of three to eight months.
It can remain latent for several years with out showing any symptoms or indication of its infection but usually with three months of contraction, symptoms can be seen.
Male genital warts are asymptomatic and as such have no symptoms.
They cause mild irritation, itching and discomfort.
In severe cases, they cause bleeding, ulceration, pus formation, pain and problems in urination or defecation.
The most distressing pain from genital warts is mental trauma and embarrassment.
The only way to prevent genital warts from spreading is to abstain from sexual activity that would be very difficult for newly married couples and for sexually active males.
The partner in such cases is scared as it is highly contagious and infectious.
It transmits very easily through intimate sexual contact.
There have been several researches proving that proper use of condoms reduce the risk of Human papilloma virus and its spread too but it can be prevented from spreading if genital warts are there on anus or region between scrotum and anus.
Several treatment therapies are available to get rid of genital warts but it does not help in eradication of the HPV virus.
For curing male genital warts doctors generally prescribe use of topical creams, gels or solutions containing 5-flourouracil, podofilox, podphyllin, trichloroacetic acid, bichloroacetic acid and imiquimoid.
There are other techniques also available to show immediate effects like surgical excision, cryotherapy, carbon dioxide laser therapy and electrocautery as most of the prescribed drugs have adverse effects and unpleasant outcomes and take too long to show their effects.
Male genital warts also have a chance of recurrence once completely treated and hence should be routinely checked to avoid them further.

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