Natural Hemorrhoid Relief - Employing the Power of Nature to Cool the Burning Fast!
By the time the average American reaches fifty years of age, they will have suffered from some type of hemorrhoid flare-up.
The majority of these individuals will just suffer through it without seeking a solution, including natural hemorrhoids relief.
In fact, out of over 150 million hemorrhoid sufferers in the U.
alone, less than 500 thousand will seek treatment in a 12-month period.
These figures are quite shocking, especially when you consider the fact that there are many dietary and lifestyle changes we can make in order to both prevent and treat hemorrhoids.
In addition, there are a number of effective creams, gels, sprays, and other natural remedies that have been proven effective many times over.
Hemorrhoids, both the internal and external varieties, can become extremely serious and require surgical intervention for their removal.
Of course, this is only provided that we don't treat the monster while it's still small.
And I'm sure I don't have to tell you what a nightmare this type of surgery can be.
Hemorrhoids surgery is extremely painful, and it gets even worse during post-op.
In fact, a large number of folks who have undergone this type of surgery have said that the pain was almost unbearable for several days, and even weeks following the actual procedure.
The surgery may involve burning the hemorrhoids off or banding them, which is essentially the process of tying a band around the base to choke off its blood supply until it falls off.
Considering the fact that the outer rectum, where these procedures will be taking place, is among the most sensitive of all body parts, you can just imaging the excruciating pain you stand to face.
And during a bowel movement, the pain can be nearly blinding.
For this reason, it is critical that you get your hemorrhoids handled as early (and as gently) as possible.
Of course, once you've found a way to treat your hemorrhoids, you will still need to make sure that your lifestyle and diet see some marked improvements, as they can always lead to another flare-up.
In particular, you want to eat healthy foods which do not promote constipation, as flare-ups most often occur as the result of excessive straining during elimination.
Just making one little shift in your dietary habits can have a profound positive impact on your hemorrhoids situation.
You can learn all about the right foods to eat, as well as which ones to avoid, by simply reading up on good colon health.
Of course, most of us are already well aware of what it means to eat a healthy, colon-friendly diet.
Fresh fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains certainly lead the pack.
In recent years, another popular dietary option for good colon health is yogurt with live active cultures.
Sufficient hydration is also extremely important, as the large intestine draws a lot of water out of our solid waste directly prior to elimination.
If there is already a lack of water in the waste material, and the large intestine draws out even more water, then we may very well experience constipation.
It is also true that the more time the waste spends inside the colon, the worse off we are, which is why it is of extreme importance that we eat foods that allow for regular elimination.
But why is it so important that we avoid constipation to the highest degree possible? Quite simply, hemorrhoids are inflamed, engorged veins that often arise, or "flare up," when we struggle to eliminate waste, and essentially push too hard.
Anything we can do to maintain regularity, including eating high-fiber and high water content foods, along with getting plenty of exercise, we should really seek to do.
The lifestyle changes we incorporate don't need to be extreme, but they should at least be consistent.
Doing something good for ourselves for a day, a week, or a month is nice, but until we establish a lifelong habit out of it, our health problems (including hemorrhoids) aren't likely to subside any time soon...
if ever.
Of course, many folks are actually suffering from hemorrhoid flare-ups as they read this.
If this is you, there are additional steps you can take to find relief fast.
While making the changes outlined above can go a long way toward preventing future flare-ups, it may not solve the problem entirely, which is why you may want to consider using certain hemorrhoid products.
Because that area of the body is so tender and sensitive, it is highly advised that you first seek out a natural hemorrhoids remedy that will not further irritate the situation.
The majority of these individuals will just suffer through it without seeking a solution, including natural hemorrhoids relief.
In fact, out of over 150 million hemorrhoid sufferers in the U.
alone, less than 500 thousand will seek treatment in a 12-month period.
These figures are quite shocking, especially when you consider the fact that there are many dietary and lifestyle changes we can make in order to both prevent and treat hemorrhoids.
In addition, there are a number of effective creams, gels, sprays, and other natural remedies that have been proven effective many times over.
Hemorrhoids, both the internal and external varieties, can become extremely serious and require surgical intervention for their removal.
Of course, this is only provided that we don't treat the monster while it's still small.
And I'm sure I don't have to tell you what a nightmare this type of surgery can be.
Hemorrhoids surgery is extremely painful, and it gets even worse during post-op.
In fact, a large number of folks who have undergone this type of surgery have said that the pain was almost unbearable for several days, and even weeks following the actual procedure.
The surgery may involve burning the hemorrhoids off or banding them, which is essentially the process of tying a band around the base to choke off its blood supply until it falls off.
Considering the fact that the outer rectum, where these procedures will be taking place, is among the most sensitive of all body parts, you can just imaging the excruciating pain you stand to face.
And during a bowel movement, the pain can be nearly blinding.
For this reason, it is critical that you get your hemorrhoids handled as early (and as gently) as possible.
Of course, once you've found a way to treat your hemorrhoids, you will still need to make sure that your lifestyle and diet see some marked improvements, as they can always lead to another flare-up.
In particular, you want to eat healthy foods which do not promote constipation, as flare-ups most often occur as the result of excessive straining during elimination.
Just making one little shift in your dietary habits can have a profound positive impact on your hemorrhoids situation.
You can learn all about the right foods to eat, as well as which ones to avoid, by simply reading up on good colon health.
Of course, most of us are already well aware of what it means to eat a healthy, colon-friendly diet.
Fresh fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains certainly lead the pack.
In recent years, another popular dietary option for good colon health is yogurt with live active cultures.
Sufficient hydration is also extremely important, as the large intestine draws a lot of water out of our solid waste directly prior to elimination.
If there is already a lack of water in the waste material, and the large intestine draws out even more water, then we may very well experience constipation.
It is also true that the more time the waste spends inside the colon, the worse off we are, which is why it is of extreme importance that we eat foods that allow for regular elimination.
But why is it so important that we avoid constipation to the highest degree possible? Quite simply, hemorrhoids are inflamed, engorged veins that often arise, or "flare up," when we struggle to eliminate waste, and essentially push too hard.
Anything we can do to maintain regularity, including eating high-fiber and high water content foods, along with getting plenty of exercise, we should really seek to do.
The lifestyle changes we incorporate don't need to be extreme, but they should at least be consistent.
Doing something good for ourselves for a day, a week, or a month is nice, but until we establish a lifelong habit out of it, our health problems (including hemorrhoids) aren't likely to subside any time soon...
if ever.
Of course, many folks are actually suffering from hemorrhoid flare-ups as they read this.
If this is you, there are additional steps you can take to find relief fast.
While making the changes outlined above can go a long way toward preventing future flare-ups, it may not solve the problem entirely, which is why you may want to consider using certain hemorrhoid products.
Because that area of the body is so tender and sensitive, it is highly advised that you first seek out a natural hemorrhoids remedy that will not further irritate the situation.