Medion MD 90011 Specifications
- The Medion MD 90011 is an external hard drive manufactured in the year 2004 by Medion. Medion AG is a consumer electronics corporation based in Germany. The company operates in other global markets including Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Many of their electronics are sold in Aldi discount supermarkets around the globe. The products include PC's, DVD players and laptops. Other brand names of Medion products are Tevion, Gericom and Cyber Maxx. Medion has been a leader in the multimedia PC and electronics business for over twenty years in Europe. The company has achieved success in North America by partnering with major retailers in sales and communications ventures.
- The bulk transfer speed for this hard drive is a maximum of 480 MB per second with an access time of 8.9 seconds. Buffer to disk transfer is 748 MB maximum. The original external drive featured a USB 2.0 interface and FireWire cable and accessibility for data transfer capability. FireWire is the name brand of the high speed serial bus developed in the 1980's by Apple, Incorporated. Today, FireWire is standard technology which is used to upload images and video to computers around the world.
- The formatted capacity of the hard drive is over 250,000 MB. Capacity is 250GB with 8 MB of cache memory. The hard drive has 16.383 cylinders and 6 logical heads. It has 6 physical heads and 63 sectors per track. The hard disk is formatted with 32 File Allocation Table (FAT). FAT represents how the computer allocates information, such as data and programs, to disk space. Average read time is 8.9ms and average write time is 10.9ms. Track to track seek time is an average 2.0ms. Full stroke seek time is 21.0ms.
- The hard drive has a type 2 descriptor. Average latency is nominally 4.2ms. Contact start and stop cycles are 50,000 minimum. Rotation speed is 7,200rpm. The drive is compatible with Windows XP.