Technology Networking & Internet

Has your affordable website vendor taken you for a ride?

You contacted what you thought was an affordable website vendor; got a great looking website to which you added what you thought was great content. Unfortunately you are still waiting for the hordes of visitors you expected. So what went wrong?

Nothing that can't be undone, fortunately.

What your affordable website vendor did not tell you was that SEO is as important as site creation is.

There are 10 million sites out there on the internet and each day 10,000 sites are added to the net. So how do you stand out in that crowd?

Theoretically, let's see how your website works? Your customer or prospect keys in certain search phrases into his search engine and the search engine comes up with a list. Now if your site does not come within the SEs favor you are last down in the list.

How do you find out what keywords relating to your business are most searched on the web? What do SEs look for in sites? How to curry favor with SEs?

Well, to start with search engines take a look at the site title. If the site title matches with the search phrase, well you make it to the list. For example if you are searching for "free website templates" and you have a site named you definitely make it to the list but definitely not at the top. To make it at the top you need to make a bit more effort.

Next they take a look at the meta keyword tag, if that contains the phrase good. Next it takes a look at the description tag. But then this too is not enough, the SEs go through all of your text to see that they contain enough references to the search phrase.

Wow! So much action in nano seconds!

But there's a catch. Search engines do some homework too.

So, first of all make sure you have submitted your site to Search Engines and other popular directories.

Next they see that your site carries some weight, that is the assumption is if other good sites have links to your sites then your site must be good.

The search engines create an index of sites that help them do work this fast.

The basic structure of your website should be identify the right keywords, narrowing it down to the best 10 for a start and optimizing your site for those keywords. It's more affordable to do SEO and website design together, otherwise you spend more on each other separately.

There are several other things that matter too. But these are the basic faltering steps that can help you go a long way. So make sure you ask your affordable website vendor to work in tandem with SEO techniques!

Remember, there is a difference between cheap website vendors and affordable website vendors. It's the difference in the services that they provide. So check that out!

Ajay Prasad is the President of Global Marketing Resources, a company that provides affordable websites solutions for medium and small businesses. For SEO and other solutions check it out at

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