5 Easy Anti-Anxiety Techniques and Home Remedies to Banish Your Anxiety and Panic Attacks
We all suffer from anxiety, almost on a daily basis, nowadays.
But the difference between your normal everyday stress and anxious moments, and, those who suffer from a general anxiety disorder (GAD) is huge.
Instead of just shaking off stress and anxiety and getting on with things, those with GAD cannot.
They constantly worry and allow themselves to get stressed about all manner of things in a way that is totally out of proportion to their significance.
And this happens over a prolonged period.
And many times this is linked to panic attacks which can either be caused by the general anxiety, or, the actual trigger for general anxiety.
Panic attacks are triggered when a person's overall anxiety levels are so high -- as with GAD -- that they fool your body into thinking that that's a signal you're in danger.
Your body then initiates it's 'fight or flight' response that causes many chemical and hormonal changes to occur in it.
It is these changes that give rise to the symptoms that you experience during an anxiety attack; e.
nausea, tightness in chest, trembling, hyperventilation, sweating, numbness or tingling in fingers etc.
, racing heartbeat, dizziness or lightheadedness, a 'detached from reality' feeling, and the worst; a feeling of impending doom.
Your doctor will probably recommend drug-based medications to treat both your general anxiety disorder and your panic attacks.
These usually consist of antidepressants, tranquilizers and even beta-blockers for the physical symptoms.
But, as many people know to their cost, they do have some pretty serious side effects.
Instead, more and more anxiety sufferers are using anti-anxiety techniques and natural remedies such as...
Using herbal remedies to relax and de-stress.
Many of these have a good record in terms of anxiety, panic attacks and depression.
Typical of these are Valerian, Chamomile, Kava Kava, St.
John's Wort and Avena Sativa.
Talk to your local herbalist about your particular case.
Are you getting the proper level of vitamins and minerals, etc.
in your daily diet? Probably not, because modern, Western diet is deficient in many vitamins and minerals that are important in controlling anxiety.
For example, vitamin B complex, vitamins A, C and E, plus, selenium, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron.
Consult a food nutritionist for the best advice.
Relaxation exercises are proven to help in anxiety and stress relief.
When done correctly they can help reduce high blood pressure, regulate breathing and the metabolism, slow the heart rate and lower adrenaline levels.
But relaxation is a skill that you have to learn.
There are many therapists to teach you.
Ever though to practise yoga? Well, here's a great time to start, when you most need to.
Yoga is another skill that you have to learn and practice a lot.
But the emotional and physical benefits for someone with general anxiety are immense.
Join a self-help group.
These can be very beneficial in terms of helping you realise you don't have to suffer alone, in silence.
And these groups help you to put things in perspective whilst releasing your emotions.
Plus, by interacting with, and helping other folks in the same position, you increase your self-esteem and confidence.
There is no doubt that these 5 anti-anxiety techniques and home remedies can be very beneficial, but there are many more that you can utilise, you just need to continue with your search.
Hopefully, I have given you a flavor of what is possible.
However, there is one item I haven't covered here because of lack of time, and that is the vital importance of getting rid of your 'fear' of having another panic attack.
This is important because this fear -- and it can be a conscious or an unconscious fear -- adds to your general anxiety levels and often triggers an attack because of it.
This then increases your fear and anxiety levels even more, i.
a vicious cycle of anxiety that needs to be broken for a complete anxiety cure.
But the difference between your normal everyday stress and anxious moments, and, those who suffer from a general anxiety disorder (GAD) is huge.
Instead of just shaking off stress and anxiety and getting on with things, those with GAD cannot.
They constantly worry and allow themselves to get stressed about all manner of things in a way that is totally out of proportion to their significance.
And this happens over a prolonged period.
And many times this is linked to panic attacks which can either be caused by the general anxiety, or, the actual trigger for general anxiety.
Panic attacks are triggered when a person's overall anxiety levels are so high -- as with GAD -- that they fool your body into thinking that that's a signal you're in danger.
Your body then initiates it's 'fight or flight' response that causes many chemical and hormonal changes to occur in it.
It is these changes that give rise to the symptoms that you experience during an anxiety attack; e.
nausea, tightness in chest, trembling, hyperventilation, sweating, numbness or tingling in fingers etc.
, racing heartbeat, dizziness or lightheadedness, a 'detached from reality' feeling, and the worst; a feeling of impending doom.
Your doctor will probably recommend drug-based medications to treat both your general anxiety disorder and your panic attacks.
These usually consist of antidepressants, tranquilizers and even beta-blockers for the physical symptoms.
But, as many people know to their cost, they do have some pretty serious side effects.
Instead, more and more anxiety sufferers are using anti-anxiety techniques and natural remedies such as...
Using herbal remedies to relax and de-stress.
Many of these have a good record in terms of anxiety, panic attacks and depression.
Typical of these are Valerian, Chamomile, Kava Kava, St.
John's Wort and Avena Sativa.
Talk to your local herbalist about your particular case.
Are you getting the proper level of vitamins and minerals, etc.
in your daily diet? Probably not, because modern, Western diet is deficient in many vitamins and minerals that are important in controlling anxiety.
For example, vitamin B complex, vitamins A, C and E, plus, selenium, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron.
Consult a food nutritionist for the best advice.
Relaxation exercises are proven to help in anxiety and stress relief.
When done correctly they can help reduce high blood pressure, regulate breathing and the metabolism, slow the heart rate and lower adrenaline levels.
But relaxation is a skill that you have to learn.
There are many therapists to teach you.
Ever though to practise yoga? Well, here's a great time to start, when you most need to.
Yoga is another skill that you have to learn and practice a lot.
But the emotional and physical benefits for someone with general anxiety are immense.
Join a self-help group.
These can be very beneficial in terms of helping you realise you don't have to suffer alone, in silence.
And these groups help you to put things in perspective whilst releasing your emotions.
Plus, by interacting with, and helping other folks in the same position, you increase your self-esteem and confidence.
There is no doubt that these 5 anti-anxiety techniques and home remedies can be very beneficial, but there are many more that you can utilise, you just need to continue with your search.
Hopefully, I have given you a flavor of what is possible.
However, there is one item I haven't covered here because of lack of time, and that is the vital importance of getting rid of your 'fear' of having another panic attack.
This is important because this fear -- and it can be a conscious or an unconscious fear -- adds to your general anxiety levels and often triggers an attack because of it.
This then increases your fear and anxiety levels even more, i.
a vicious cycle of anxiety that needs to be broken for a complete anxiety cure.