Technology Networking & Internet

The Changes In Broadband Speed And Dial Up Internet Due To The Nbn

The NBN, or National Broadband Network, is poised to make a number of changes to broadband speeds and dial up internet in Australia. Most people who have lived in Australia for a long of time will attest to the fact that internet access can be hit or miss at times. Dial up internet is slow and ties up phone lines, while broadband internet access is not always available in remote areas and also has a penchant for becoming slow during peak use periods.

In comparison to the rest of the world, internet services in Australia are by far and large substandard, particularly where consumers and business owners are concerned. This is why a number of Australians are excited in anticipation of the proliferation and implementation of the NBN. There are a number of changes the NBN is likely to bring to both broadband speed and dial up internet, and these reasons will be discussed further below.

The most obvious change that the NBN will bring to broadband and dial up internet access in Australia is significantly higher speeds. The majority of the internet service providers in Australia offer speeds that can fairly be described as dismal, whether one is discussing business or consumer grade lines. The dial up speed is poor, but this is more due to a limitation of the architecture than due to any deficits among service providers. However, the local speeds through broadband internet are still some of the slowest in the world. When used for internet access across continents, the speeds improve in comparison, but are still relatively slow. This is where the NBN will produce the most dramatic changes, as it is essentially a revamp and restructuring of the whole internet network infrastructure across Australia. The existing infrastructure is based on copper lines that are inefficient and deteriorating. However, the NBN will be created from the latest networking technology and materials available. As a result, Australia's internet access will finally be on par with the internet services available in the rest of the world.

A second change that will occur in broadband speed and dial up internet due to the NBN is the availability of added technology. There are a number of technologies that are already in existence but which cannot be used as much as they were originally designed in Australia due to the limitations in the present bandwidth networks. For example, Flash is probably the animation platform that is most widely implemented across the internet. It is present on nearly every heavy animation site on the internet, including a number of video websites and streaming sites. Flash is a premier form of content distribution, but due to the amount of bandwidth it consumes, it is very difficult to obtain steady and consistent Flash access on most broadband services in Australia. Flash is also completely unusable on dial up internet, which still comprises a significant share of internet access protocols in Australia. Thanks to the NBN, however, home broadband speeds should see a significant increase to the point where home users will be able to join the rest of the world in taking advantage of the Flash experience.

Finally, there are also a number of bandwidth limitations that current home consumers have to deal with when using their broadband internet packages. These limitations are designed to keep broadband users from going past the quota they signed up for each month. Unfortunately, the limits are typically quite low, which restrict the things a person can do on the internet in his or her own home. As a result, internet usage in Australia is heavily curtailed. However, once the NBN has been fully implemented throughout Australia, bandwidth limitations may cease to exist. It is for these reasons that people look forward to the NBN in Australia.

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