Business & Finance Social Media

7 Reasons Why People Have Failed on Twitter Despite Several Attempts

Twitter, the micro-blogging site and an unavoidable business tool has made many businesses flourish.
Many business owners have this incredible tool listed top on their lists.
Some go as far as having dedicated staff for the twitter marketplace.
However, not everyone is succeeding on this simple tool.
If you are one of those failing, I believe this article will help correct a few errors.
Let's look at some 7 reasons why you fail.
  1. You do not have followers.
    Twitter followers and twitter users who have access to your updates or your posts.
    If you have few or no followers, you have no market on twitter
  2. Your followers are not targeted.
    This is one of the most common reasons why people fail on twitter.
    They get a large list of followers who are not interested in what they offer.
  3. Poor landing page.
    A landing page is simply the first page your visitors see after clicking your link.
    If this page is poorly presented, the conversion rate too will be poor.
    For affiliate marketers, it is generally a good idea to presell a product.
    What this means is that if the vendor has a poor landing page, you create your own more captivating landing page to give more relevant information to the visitors before taking them to the vendor's page
  4. Your tweets are not well curled.
    Twitter has limited the number of words to 140 and this includes the link.
    You should learn to make posts that are attractive to the reader using the available space.
  5. You are spamming.
    Most tweeters fail to provide something of real value.
    If you tweet unnecessarily, you are likely to kick your followers off your list
  6. Abandoned Profile.
    Most twitter users are yet to know that their twitter profile is a contributory to their success on twitter.
    The profile should provide relevant information about you or your business, experiences, location,etc.
    If you abandon your profile, you abandon your market
  7. Products of low value.
    If you are doing affiliate marketing, be sure to promote products of high value.
    You can succeed on Twitter if proper marketing is done.

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