Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Buying Medications For Genital Warts - Effective Medicines For Treatment

Who gets affected mostly? Men and women of any age can get affected by genital warts.
 However, medical records indicate that a majority of the patients are usually aged between the ages of 17 and 33.
  In children who are younger than three years the causes are usually non sexual contact which is most likely indirect.
The grown up people get the infection through sexual contact with an infected partner.
This is possible through oral, anal and vaginal sex.
  What are the causes? The cause of is an infection with the human papilloma virus that has over 100 variations, although only about 40 of them are known to be responsible for genital warts.
The viral particles are able to enter the skin and mucosa surfaces through microscopic abrasions in the genitals which happen during the sexual intercourse.
Once the cells become invaded with the HPV virus, a period of latency will follow, which can be as little as three weeks or several years in some individuals.
Exams and Tests A medical examination will confirm any suspicions that a patient or the doctor has regarding the warts that appear in the genital area.
It is only a medical practitioner who has the ability to give correct information.
Some of the warts can be too tiny that will not be seen with the naked eye.
They may need to be magnified in order to manifest correctly.
During the examination the doctor will also conduct a routine pap smear on women to find out if there is anything else that needs to be dealt with.
    When to Seek Medical Care When you develop genital warts you need to see the doctor immediately.
When the warts begin to bleed and cannot be stopped with direct pressure than the doctor is the only one able to assist you.
In cases where the urethra is obstructed and urination becomes a problem then that becomes a medical emergency.
   Treatment of HPV Home treatment: the warts do no have any other symptom apart from their appearance and therefore there is very little that can be done in home treatment.
Medical care is available and should be sought.
  It is important to remember not to pick or squeeze the warts because they are very contagious.
  Avoid unnecessary contact so you don't spread the virus to other skin areas.
  Medical Treatment There is no particular method of treatment available for treatment of genital warts so the doctor will study them and prescribe medication as they see fit.
Most of the medications that you will receive will be for the removal of the visible warts and when medication does not work effectively the doctor could resort to some surgical procedure to deal with the problem.
Consult you doctor as soon as possible.

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