Health & Medical Parenting

Teaching Your Children to Read and Write Better - 5 Reasons Why Parents Must Start Early

Parents who take the time to teach their children to read and write better will see the following results in the development of their children Your children will have an increased enjoyment of reading, which will in turn give them better literacy skills In order for your child to build their language and understanding, they will need to be exposed to new words.
Reading books will give your child an opportunity to find new words.
This will also increase a child's curiosity, which will in turn build on their existing skills as they look for more and more new words.
Children who are familiar with books and stories before they start school are better prepared to cope with the demands of formal literacy teaching.
Better exam results Children who have problems reading begin to show signs from second and third grade.
By starting to teach your children to read and write early, they are less likely to have these problems.
Children who start to read before the first grade keep up their lead in reading and understanding over children who have not been taught how to read and write form an earlier age.
Children who read early are also more likely to do better in other subjects as well.
Better school attendance and behaviour When a child struggles to read and write their enjoyment of this activity decreases.
This can lead to children disliking school, and as a result become disruptive as an outlet to their frustration.
By reading and writing with your child, you give them an early start.
Teachers can teach your child only a percentage of what they need to learn and you will be letting your child down if you do not spend time with them teaching them how to read and write from an early age.
It has been shown that starting early will not hurt your child.
Most children can begin from age four.
In fact, the opposite is true and studies conducted on these have concluded that teaching your child to read and write early gives them a significant advantage in school.
Higher quality of later relationships Reading together is fun and helps build relationships.
As you interact with your child during your teaching sessions, they learn how to listen and develop a sense for other points of view.
This becomes invaluable as they go out to school and meet other children as it helps them interact better.
This skill tends to last as they grow older and build other relationships.
Better mental health and increased self-esteem The impact of teaching your child to read and write lasts a lifetime.
Children who read are more confident and have greater job opportunities.
Children whose parents have taken the time to teach them how to read and write have increased chances of being more confident.
They are more likely to volunteer to read out during class and participate more as they are familiar with the words.
This in turn makes them better readers and writers and reinforces their abilities.
The opposite is also true.
Teaching your child to read and write is therefore the most important thing you can do to help your child succeed.
Research evidence has shown that your involvement in your child's reading and learning is more important than anything else in helping them to fulfil their potential

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