Society & Culture & Entertainment Jokes & Riddles & Humor

Buzzfeed Profile

Monthly Traffic: 2,857,619 visitors (as of 05/2010)
Description: A collection of the web's latest viral hits and hits-to-be
Similar Websites:Break, Holy Taco, Fark

What is "Buzzfeed"?:

You know how you have that one friend who's always sending you links to videos that are hilarious or interesting, and then two weeks later they end up on your local news broadcast or something?

Do you think to yourself, "Man, I wish I could be as cool and 'with-it' as my friend, always two weeks ahead of the local news and all". Well, now you can be!

Buzzfeed finds the videos and pictures that have that "star quality" that could put them on the internet map, or at least make you giggle. And then it'll be you who rescues friends scrolling through digg links they've already clicked, with the coolest new video of Lindsay Lohan being drunk in public.

"Buzzfeed" Features:
  • Viral on the Web: The items that someone will be talking to you about soon.
  • Going Viral Now: Quickly rising links with a bright time-wasting future
  • Buzzfeed Top 20: The top performers of the last week
  • LOL Feed: Do I have to spell it out for you? Because spelling is so early '90s.
  • Cute Feed: Links you can email to grandma, to make her feel appreciated for her chain emails with 30 "FW:"s in the subject line
  • Collection: The Buzzfeed community gets its chance to come together and create something larger than themselves. Like a series of mocking photoshop compositions.

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