Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Keeping Your Head Up Despite Having an STD

Along with sexually transmitted diseases comes a stigma that affects the life of the person suffering from it.
Sad to say, the society is quite vicious on the subject and would most likely to ridicule someone with Chlamydia or likes of it.
But for some reasons, this stigma was not intended to ruin other people's lives, because in the first place, you would never acquire any sexual disease if you're being responsible.
However, the humiliation that the sufferers get from judgmental eyes can dig a hole into their self-esteem, which can affect the way they deal with life in general.
Usually, when people are diagnosed of having any sexually transmitted disease, they will automatically feel embarrassed about themselves.
They would feel a tinge of guilt and sadness that calls for a shoulder of a friend to cry on and yet they are afraid of spilling it out.
There are even some who would think that God is punishing them for engaging into a forbidden sexual activity; forbidden means having sex outside marriage or engaging into casual sex.
Because of this, they are succumbed into deep depression and feels sorry for themselves thinking that no one will ever go out on a date with them ever again.
The fact is, you cannot stop the people from sticking out the stain on your forehead, but there is something that you can do to preserve your humanity.
It doesn't mean that just because you are infected with an embarrassing disease, you'd just stay in your room forever until you die.
The key here is to understand and accept your condition with a light heart.
Okay you have Syphilis, so what? Your life doesn't end there.
Let the whole world know that you are still human and fragile.
Value yourself so that people will respect you.
Just continue being who you are, but minus the unprotected sex of course.

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