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How to Make Banyan Bonsai

    • 1). Select a healthy banyan tree for your bonsai. Choose one with strong trunks and sturdy branches that hold healthy, richly colored foliage. Avoid banyan trees with wilting foliage, brittle wood or signs of infestation.

    • 2). Select a well-drained potting container that has several drainage holes at the bottom. Choose a water-retentive, yet free-draining soil for this fig bonsai or incorporate your own mixture. Mix equal amounts of nutrient-rich soil, clean sand and organic compost. Line the bottom third of the container with a layer of soil and set the container aside.

    • 3). Place the banyan tree on a clean, flat surface and inspect it closely. Use sharp, sterile shears to remove any ailing trunks or branches. Cut back unwanted branches, trunks, sprouts and suckers, and then make cuts for shape and style.

    • 4). Remove the banyan tree from its original container and place it on the clean surface. Remove the excessive soil gently from the root system and carefully inspect the roots. Trim away any wilted or dead roots from the root system. Cut dead roots back to the root mass. Cut wilted roots back to the healthiest area of the root. Trim the entire root system back no more than a third.

    • 5). Place the newly pruned banyan bonsai into its prepared container and fill the container with soil. Be sure all the banyan bonsai's roots are covered and gently press the soil down to secure the banyan's upright position.

    • 6). Irrigate the newly potted banyan bonsai with tepid water. Pour the water, at soil level, evenly around the potting container until the excess soil begins to run from the drainage holes. Fill the container with additional soil, if needed, to compensate for any settling that occurred from the irrigation.

    • 7). Place your banyan bonsai in a warm, sunny location with full to partial sunlight. Choose an indoor or outdoor location as the banyan adjusts well to either environment. Bring the outdoor banyan bonsai indoors as the temperatures begin to cool since this tropical bonsai does not tolerate cool temperatures. Keep the banyan away from temperatures that fall below 55 degrees F to prevent permanent injury to the tree.

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