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The Connection Between Weight Loss and Antioxidants

A lot is being spoken about the role of antioxidants in weight loss therapies currently. Since the new millennium has dawned, the focus of the weight management industry has shifted from the overhyped fad diets (which were quite popular in the nineties) to antioxidants. Today, health experts aren't talking much about the diets, but they are definitely talking about foods that are rich in antioxidants, the most notable being green tea and the acai berry. These products are considered extremely significant in knocking off the extra pounds that most people carry in their bodies today, and even the various medical domains are quite consenting of their role.

So what makes antioxidants powerful weight loss agents? This concept will become clearer when you get acquainted with free radicals first.

Free radicals are chemical ions or groups of ions that are present in our bodies. These radicals are introduced into the body through various agencies, the most common of them being our diet. However, free radicals can be quite destructive to the body. They can hamper various metabolic processes that go on in the body, due to which the vital bodily functions are retarded. This includes digestion. The presence of a large number of free radicals in the body means a very sluggish digestion, which in turn means that various improperly digested components of food keep piling up in the body. This results in weight loss in a very significant manner.

Normally, the body eliminates most free radicals that are present in the body. However, when their concentration starts getting too high, the body is incapable of eliminating them completely. This is when the free radicals start wreaking their havoc in the body.

This is where antioxidants come in. Antioxidants have the potential to destroy these free radicals and remove them completely. Thus, by removing the free radicals, antioxidants can actually set right the slowed down metabolic processes in the body and bring it back to optimal functioning.

The role of this in losing weight is quite significant. Since it is the free radicals that are impairing the digestive processes of people, their removal by antioxidant-rich foods can be considered as a healthy (and natural way) to keep weight in check. That is the reason foods like green tea, red wine, black currants, tomatoes, acai berries and various other foods that are good in antioxidants are recommended to people who are looking at reducing their weights. These foods are incorporated in daily diets of weight watchers for the accelerated metabolic benefits that they can bring about. That is the whole premise of diet-free weight management campaigns that have become so very popular today. Since these foods are consumed as part of a complete diet, people who are trying to lose weight are no longer needed to starve themselves.

Thus, anti-oxidants don't just help in weight loss; they help in improving various other aspects of health. It has also been indicated that foods containing antioxidants can be good as anti-aging products. They can even improve physical and mental health to a great degree, thus giving a whole new constructive lease to life.

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