Gardening : Home & Garden

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Organic Gardening - Turnips Grown in the Home Garden

Organic Gardening - Turnips Grown in the Home Garden

Tips on growing a tender crop of turnips in your home vegetable garden. An easy crop to grow in your organic garden. A good healthy nutrient rich soil structure is what turnips thrive in.......[Read More]
Tips For Landscape Design

Tips For Landscape Design

If you own a home, and have an open area, you should consider getting it designed by a professional. Not only will it add to the look of your property, but it will also increase the valuation.......[Read More]
Enjoying your Garden Shed

Enjoying your Garden Shed

Garden sheds are enjoyed by many people throughout the country, but there are some people who are fans of the garden shed – also known as sheddies. One of the highlights for a sheddie is the National ......[Read More]
Lawn Care And Landscaping-what Are The Differences?

Lawn Care And Landscaping-what Are The Differences?

When you are looking to take care of your lawn, you probably aren't worried about what the difference is between lawn care and landscaping. However, when it comes to buying tools, doing the process, and seeing the finished product, you are probably going to need to know a little bit about the d......[Read More]
Flowers and Their Meanings - Flowers Are a Great Way to Communicate Your Love

Flowers and Their Meanings - Flowers Are a Great Way to Communicate Your Love

Flowers have had meanings attached to them as far back as biblical times. Early cultures used flowers to express sentiments in much the way that we do today. During the Victorian era, flowers truly "blossomed" as a way to express feelings without speaking.......[Read More]
About Fertilizer

About Fertilizer

Get better yield from your home garden, a healthier lawn or dense flower garden with the application of a good fertilizers. Fertilizers replenish missing soil nutrients, they nurture plants and they can make your gardening a whole lot easier.......[Read More]
Swimming Pool Maintenance Ideas: Choosing the Right Pool Cleaner

Swimming Pool Maintenance Ideas: Choosing the Right Pool Cleaner

On a gorgeous summer day, you can choose to take a walk along picturesque nature trails, relax with a cup of iced coffee on the beach, play tennis or €¦just enjoy a pleasurable sunbathing session ... ......[Read More]
Hydrangeas Used in Landscaping

Hydrangeas Used in Landscaping

Hydrangeas are very popular for landscaping mainly because of their dazzling display of flowers and spectacular foliage. It also is an easy to care for shrub given the correct growing environment. And a magical occurrence ... ......[Read More]
How to Plant Raspberries

How to Plant Raspberries

Cultivating raspberries is a very technique sensitive task and it requires paying attention to great details to get a good harvest. The raspberry plant requires a lot of sunlight to grow. The soil choice is crucial. Usually a sandy loam type of soil having plenty of organic material is needed.......[Read More]
How To Choose A Shape For Your Future Bonsai Tree

How To Choose A Shape For Your Future Bonsai Tree

The shape or 'style' that you will choose for your bonsai will say as much about the artist (you!) as it does about the plant. First step in choosing the best suited style for your bonsai is to know the main characteristics of the existing styles; after you know all of these you must know ......[Read More]
What About Roses?

What About Roses?

One of the most beautiful flowers in the garden is also the most difficult to grow successfully. I'm talking about the garden prima donna, the rose. It does take time to care for roses, but the payback can be incredible.......[Read More]
How to Grow Dehydrated Herbs

How to Grow Dehydrated Herbs

Drying herbs is a great way to preserve the herbs growing in your garden. Drying them will keep them usable for several months. The process of drying herbs does not take long but does require several steps to keep the herbs fresh and to keep their qualities.......[Read More]
4 Ideas for a Romantic Garden Wedding

4 Ideas for a Romantic Garden Wedding

If you have a beautiful garden, patio or pergola in your backyard, then it is no surprise that you might be thinking of having your wedding at home. Having a wedding at home brings a level of intimacy and comfort to this special day that no other venue can match. Imagine being able to walk down the ......[Read More]
Planting Guide for Seaside Daisies

Planting Guide for Seaside Daisies

The seaside daisy (Erigeron glaucus) in its natural setting is most often found on the West Coast from northern California up into Oregon. With its sunny yellow center and pink or purple-tinted petals, this perennial can be a beautiful addition to any coastal garden. It's also a good plant to attrac......[Read More]
How to Care for a Braided Pachira Plant

How to Care for a Braided Pachira Plant

The pachira tree is also known as the money tree because it is said to bring fortune and good luck to its owner. The tree sometimes comes with a braided trunk, which usually consists of five individual trunks that each represent an aspect of feng shui, an eastern decorating style based on the flow o......[Read More]
How to Hide Underground Sprinkler Controls

How to Hide Underground Sprinkler Controls

Sprinkler controls, otherwise known as the sprinkler manifold, can be buried in the ground. For easy access and maintenance, however, it's a good idea to install a valve box around that manifold. The valve box will hide your controls, giving your lawn a neat and finished appearance. It will also all......[Read More]
Ideas for a Suitable Back Yard Landscaping

Ideas for a Suitable Back Yard Landscaping

The backyard becomes one of the essential parts in the home where the members can spend some nice time with the beautiful landscaping design. Hence, it's important to hire the efficient perso......[Read More]
Dealing With Clay Soil in New Gardens

Dealing With Clay Soil in New Gardens

Many new garden sites consist of little but rough ground and boulder's debris. It is always hoped that the good top soil removed during excavations has been placed on one side for subsequent redistribution. In any case, levelling the ground and carrying out any necessary soil improvement is a n......[Read More]
Improve the Quality of the Garden Soil

Improve the Quality of the Garden Soil

Whether the garden has sand, silt, or clay soil, there are a variety of steps a gardener can take to improve the growth performance. Most of the plant life prefers a particular type of soil, so it helps to identify the soil requirements before planting.......[Read More]
Care of Tannis Plants

Care of Tannis Plants

Tannins are integral ingredients of plants. These are complex non-nitrogenous compounds that perform the basic function of keeping herbivores away from plants because of their astringent qualities. Tannins are not organs of any one plant like a stem or branch, but are a generic constituent found acr......[Read More]