5 Natural Tips to Lower Blood Pressure - No Drugs No Side Effects
High blood pressure and hypertension cause directly or contribute to over 300,000 deaths a year.That's like killing off the population of St Louis each year, every year.The good news is this condition can be prevented, controlled and reversed using totally natural methods.Here's 5 tips to ......[Read More]
High Blood Pressure - Lower It Today
High blood pressure is known as the "Silent Killer" because there is no signs and symptoms. It leads to many health risk. Therefore, it is important to lower it.......[Read More]
Why Do We Get a High Blood Pressure?
There are many people who are diagnosed with the condition of high blood pressure. Medical professionals refer to this condition as "hypertension". In this article, you will be introduced to an explanation of high blood pressure.......[Read More]
Discover the Natural Cure to Hypertension
We want to look the prevention, the cure & the reversal of hypertension without taking any drug or medication. Before we go into the main thing there is need for explaining what hypertension really is.Hypertension is a disorder or a disease caused as a result of high blood pressure.......[Read More]
High Blood Pressure?Easy Eating Rules For Lowering Your Blood Pressure
Hypertension is generally a symptom that indicates the presence of a larger health problem. Changing your food habits is one important way of trying to lower your blood pressure. What you eat and drink affect both directly and indirectly your blood pressure. As a rule of thumb, the healthier your di......[Read More]
High Blood Pressure - Can Slow Breathing Lower Your Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure has become a problem for a lot of people. The standard response has been to use medication but as a long term solution medication has many drawbacks. Lately, slow breathing exercises have become an alternative way of lowering your blood pressure.......[Read More]
How to Manage and Control High Blood Pressure Naturally
Diet plays an important role in managing and controlling high blood pressure (hypertension). A right diet can drastically help in lowering blood pressure. Read this article to find some useful dietary guidelines for patients suffering from hypertension.......[Read More]
Five Misconceptions About High Blood Pressure
There are many misconceptions about high blood pressure and its treatment. WebMD explains five of the most common myths.......[Read More]
Pulmonary Hypertension Treatment - Revealing All You Need to Know
The disease Hypertension can be a frightening scenario.Additionally, just as high blood pressure is difficult to identify, it does affect 1 of 3 adults in the United States alone.Coincidently, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension is a rare disease and it does not have a cure.If you were to become a victi......[Read More]
Healthy Living Tips - Best Foods That Prevent High Blood Pressure
Do you know that "Prevention is better than cure?" A lot of people do not even know that high blood pressure can be prevented by proper dieting. If you do not want to suffer from this silent killer disease, this article will provide you with some healthy foods that prevent high blood press......[Read More]
Benefits of Using High Blood Pressure Herbal Remedies
Most of you will be aware of the existence of high blood pressure herbal remedies that have been a talk for quite some time. It will be a relief to know that drugs are not the only solution for the blood pressure, which is aggravated due to the overweight and genetic complications. It does not harm ......[Read More]
Nutritional Goals to Lower High Blood Pressure
More and more individuals are suffering from high blood pressure, hypertension and other heart related issues due to a diet filled with sodium. The DASH diet, also known as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, creates a simple guide to follow to lower blood pressure levels and reduce symptoms of......[Read More]
High Blood Pressure Treatments Fall Into 3 Categories - Two of Them Can Be Deadly
High blood pressure treatments are ultimately targeting lowering your blood pressure but they may be causing more damage than cure. Find out the risks of the top three treatment plans and then pick what is right for you.......[Read More]
Non-Drug Treatment of Hypertension
Depending on the case, non-drug treatment of hypertension is often suggested to patients long before they begin a course of medication. Long-term lifestyle change (even more than medication) is essential to managing and even curing hypertension.......[Read More]
People With High Blood Pressure May Crave Salt
It's important to resist these cravings, study author says......[Read More]
Causes of Acute Hypertension
Nearly one fifth of the U.S. population suffers from acute hypertension. It's listed as a major risk factor for congestive heart failure, stroke, kidney disease and heart disease. Hypertension can be caused by diet, lifestyle habits, genetic background or stress.......[Read More]
Natural Remedies For Lowering Cholesterol - Give Them a Go
Maintaining normal levels of cholesterol is a critical component of enjoying a sound health life style. If your levels have gone higher than normal then you may also want to consider the use of natural remedies for lowering cholesterol.......[Read More]
What Is Blood Pressure, And Why Is It Important?
In simplistic terms, blood pressure is a measurement of the force with which your blood is pumped round your body. It is the pressure that your pumping blood places on the walls of your arteries, the blood vessels that carry blood away from your heart. The easiest way of understanding the concept of......[Read More]
Natural Cures For Hypertension - Using the Natural Power of Herbs to Lower Blood Pressure
There are medicinal herbs too that can lower blood pressure. These herbs are wonderful alternative cures for hypertension, because they have immediate and significant effects to your body.......[Read More]
Diet and High Blood Pressure - The Natural Way to Lower Blood Pressure Fast
Diet and high blood pressure are inseparable. A poor diet, like most of us eat, leads to high blood pressure. A healthy diet, like most of us should eat, not only lowers blood pressure but weight as well. Learn how fast this can work and help your heart and your resolution to shed pounds.......[Read More]