How Do I Tell If a Stray Cat Is Still a Kitten?
The warm weather typically signifies kitten season. This generally leads to an influx of stray kittens. However, it is not always easy to determine if a stray cat is still a kitten. Generally, a kitten is no longer a kitten when it is 8 months old, and they are not fully mature until they are about ......[Read More]
Is It Possible to Train the Cat?
Most pet owners believe that it is not possible to train the cat. Here are a few tips that will help you train your cat.......[Read More]
How to Litter Train a Cat
When you get a new kitten litter training is something you'll need to teach your cat to do.Usually this is a relatively easy task, but sometimes it ends up being harder than anticipated.There are several common causes for this behavior. We look at the reasons why a young kitten (or an older, fo......[Read More]
The Bengal Cat As A Family Pet
Another of the cat breeds only codified in the latter part of the twentieth century, the Bengal cat was designed for that look of the wild and exotic with the love and affection of the basic house cat. Western civilization first became aware of the crossbreeding of Asian Leopard Cats with domestic b......[Read More]
Cat Scratching Posts
Scratching is simply part of a cat's natural instinct. A cat will scratch away without giving a second thought to what they are scratching. It could be a nice piece of furniture, or even your leg! It's just what they do. Ultimately, cats scratch for two main reasons; to keep their claws cl......[Read More]
What Makes a Cat Start Biting?
Cats are often solitary animals that have a number of aggressive behaviors, such as marking their territory and biting other animals or humans. Cats often start biting for a number of reasons, many of which have to do with establishing their dominance.......[Read More]
Morris Million Cat Rescue
I had the pleasure of interviewing Randy Jackson about the inauguration of the second annual Morris' Million Cat Rescue from 9 Lives, home of the famous Morris. Read my review including the latest news about the Million Cat Rescue, as well as what's coming up professionally for Randy Jacks......[Read More]
Taking Care of Your Pregnant Cat
Wouldn't it be wonderful if your cat had kittens? Just the thought of having so many kittens underfoot would be enough reason for true cat lovers to swoon.......[Read More]
How to Get a Cat to Stop Meowing
Cats have a vocabulary of over 30 sounds that they use to communicate with humans. Cats rarely meow at other cats; instead they use scent and body language for cat-to-cat communication. Cats can meow excessively for many reasons, but they boil down to health problems, stress and boredom. Most cat ow......[Read More]
Bi-Color Cats Picture Gallery: Stuart
Just as the May cat calendar was for black and white Tuxedo cats, June is symbolized by all other bi-colors, with the accent on the white. (Think of a June bride in white, standing out among her bridesmaids dressed in colors.) The bi-colored cats include "piebald," which generally limits t......[Read More]
Adoptable Shelter Cats Picture Gallery: Stitch
The Adoptable Shelter Cat Gallery was envisioned as a way of getting homeless cats in animal shelters and cat rescues into the public limelight, and helping special shelter cats find loving forever homes. It is a way for me to give back to the cats who have taught me so much about life, courage, com......[Read More]
Cat Towers For Your Pet Store
Retail can be a competitive business. Some retail stores, like those specializing in pets and pet products, are unique in that human emotion and subject matter expertise can really make a difference between success and failure. Our family has always loved animals, so when my brother opened a local ......[Read More]
Raising a Siberian Kitten
The Siberian breed has existed for at least 1,000 years, and is the national cat of Russia, according to the Cat Fanciers' Association. Breeders introduced this natural, semi-longhair breed to the United States in 1990, where it is still quite rare. Siberians have a dog-like personality, enjoy follo......[Read More]
Removing Cat Urine Odors
Are you struggling to remove the awful, lingering smell of cat urine?Discover how you can get rid of cat urine odor - starting today! ......[Read More]
How Give a Cat Medicine
As a cat owner, it is your responsibility to keep your feline companion in the best possible health. At times, this may require administering medicine to your furry friend. Although the process of giving medication may seem difficult, if done correctly, the experience is simple and you can complete ......[Read More]
How to Find Runaway Cats
If your cat gets out while the door opens or if it manages to slip out of the yard, it may easily become lost. The sooner a runaway cat is found, the more likely it is to avoid injury and stress. Take action immediately when you realize that your feline companion is missing and start your search. Th......[Read More]
What Are the Causes of Gallstones in Cats?
Gallstones are rarely seen in cats, but when diagnosed, they are most often found in male cats. They are usually found when a veterinarian is examining a cat looking for another disease that causes the feline's illness. Gallstones, also known as cholelihiasis block, the flow of bile from the small i......[Read More]
Natural Ways to Clean Cat Spray
Cat spray can be cleaned without harsh image by milemarsovac from Fotolia.comCats spray urine in order to mark their territory. The cat spray has a strong odor that becomes stronger if left untreated and bacteria is allowed to grow. The smell will also attract the cat to.........[Read More]
Feline glossary description of epidemiology.......[Read More]
How to Prevent Feline UTI
Bladder infections, or urinary tract infections (UTIs), are a common and occasionally recurring condition for many cats. While adult male cats seem the most susceptible, any cat can exhibit the uncomfortable signs of a UTI at any time---straining to urinate in small amounts, urinating outside the li......[Read More]