Pets Cats : Pets & Animal

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Vacationing Without Your Kitty - Steps to Make it Easier While Home Alone

Vacationing Without Your Kitty - Steps to Make it Easier While Home Alone

Leaving Fluffy for a few days? Some simple steps can make this an easier time for your beloved cat, and a more enjoyable vacation for you.......[Read More]
How to Remove Hair From Cats

How to Remove Hair From Cats

Pet hair is one of the most stubborn things to clean in a house. If you own an inside pet, you know all too well the daily maintenance that cleaning pet hair requires. Cats are especially notorious for shedding indoors, and their fine hair is frustrating to remove. Cat hair can cause allergies and e......[Read More]
Catnip and Cat Behavior

Catnip and Cat Behavior

Catnip is any herb of the Nepeta family, which includes about 250 different varieties. All of these can affect cat behavior.......[Read More]
Home Remedies for Constipation in Cats

Home Remedies for Constipation in Cats

Feline constipation is a common problem among cats. It has several different causes. However, there are many home remedies that can help relieve the cat of its constipation and prevent having to make a visit to the veterinarian altogether. Constipation is most often caused by a lack of fluids.......[Read More]
Why Do Cats Have Hair Balls?

Why Do Cats Have Hair Balls?

Cats are renowned for their fastidious grooming. Such grooming, however, causes them to ingest a large quantity of hair, which can mean digestion problems. The wet, ingested hair is called a hairball.......[Read More]
About House Training Cats

About House Training Cats

"Housetraining a cat" contains an oxymoron---a term that contradicts itself. Most cats look for the litter box first when they explore a new home and kittens just adore you when you plop them in a nice clean litter box after dinner. A cat's natural tendency is to eliminate where she can co......[Read More]
Treatment of Dry & Itchy Skin on Cats

Treatment of Dry & Itchy Skin on Cats

If your cat has dry, itchy skin, it could be from an external source: mites, fleas, fungus or a contact allergy. But her skin condition may be caused by something internal as well: poor diet, dehydration, internal parasites and allergies are all common causes of flaky skin, dull coat and itchy, irri......[Read More]
Signs of Affection in Dogs

Signs of Affection in Dogs

Dog owners know when their own dogs are showing them signs of affection, although the affectionate mannerisms may differ from dog to dog. A dog's love for you is fairly obvious by his body language. However, a dog may appear to be expressing affection for you when in fact he really wants to be fed.......[Read More]
Homemade Cat Repellent for Cars

Homemade Cat Repellent for Cars

Stray cats can easily be nuisances, especially when a stray cat invades your territory. If a stray cat decides to make your car his napping area, you will face nuisances such as cleaning up left-behind cat hair and fixing scratches caused by the cat's claws. One way to deal with stray cats is homema......[Read More]
Remedies for Cat Hairballs

Remedies for Cat Hairballs

Anyone with a cat having a hairball problem knows that sound; that awful retching sound cats make before they cough up a hairball. Long-haired cats are especially prone to this problem as they lick themselves to get clean and, in the process, end up swallowing excess fur. The fur doesn't process in ......[Read More]
How to Stop Milk Production in a Cat

How to Stop Milk Production in a Cat

A mother cat is fully capable of nursing kittens from birth with little or no outside help; however, there may be situations where you need to intervene and stop milk production. Perhaps a kitten is nursing longer than necessary or maybe the mother needs to be prepped for spaying. Mastitis, an infla......[Read More]
March Picture Calendar Gallery Featuring Tabbies

March Picture Calendar Gallery Featuring Tabbies

March marks the first month of Spring, when the earth is rich with promises of things to be. Tabby cats are almost as old as Mother earth herself, and are the epitome of Catness in all its wonder and glory. This month we salute our Tabby Cat friends as the cats for March's Cat Picture Calendar ......[Read More]
Polydactyl Cats Picture Gallery: Sqeekr

Polydactyl Cats Picture Gallery: Sqeekr

Whether called "polydactyls," "Hemingway Cats," or "Mittens," these many-toed cats warm the hearts and hearths of those people fortunate to share a home with one. The extra toes on polydactyl cats produce very wide feet which have been variously described as resembling ......[Read More]
The Cat That Acts Like a Camel

The Cat That Acts Like a Camel

Though dry air is not exactly a malady to threaten kitty's health, it could cause kitty to have to drink more water than usual. With furnaces running, houses are often drier inside, and kitty might experience the need to drink more. This can also hold true in summer when the outside air is dry.......[Read More]
Cat Picture of the Week: Princess Kiki Patsy Cline aka Kiki

Cat Picture of the Week: Princess Kiki Patsy Cline aka Kiki

For several years now, Cats has featured a Cat Picture of the Week, and this year is no exception. Photos are chosen from submittals to any of the *other* picture galleries on this site (most often from the featured gallery of the month). My criteria is the quality of the photo, and the ca......[Read More]
What Does It Mean to Have Your Cat Spayed?

What Does It Mean to Have Your Cat Spayed?

Spaying is a surgical procedure to remove the reproductive organs of a female animal. A spayed cat is not able to produce litters of kittens. Spaying your cat is a responsible way to help your pet live a healthier life.......[Read More]
Week by Week Kitten Development

Week by Week Kitten Development

Newborn kittens are irresistibly cute! They are teeny and furry and everybody falls in love with them. However, this in no way means that they are easy to care for.......[Read More]
Cats - Spirit Lifters, and Health Benefactors

Cats - Spirit Lifters, and Health Benefactors

Cats are more than just your pets. They're beneficial for your life too!......[Read More]
Indoor Structures For Indoor Cats - The Best Options For Apartments

Indoor Structures For Indoor Cats - The Best Options For Apartments

I live in an apartment with 3 cats, so I've developed a good feel for what types of stuff will keep them busy and what will keep them off your furniture. Read about some of my tricks for providing indoor structure.......[Read More]
How to Deodorize a Cat Litter Box

How to Deodorize a Cat Litter Box

Both cats and humans prefer litter boxes that don't stink. Remember that a cat's sense of smell is many times more acute than a human's. If you can smell the litter box, imagine how it must smell to your cat. A dirty litter box is one of the major reasons cats will relive themselves elsewhere, so it......[Read More]