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Apples That Attract Spiders

    Empire Apples

    • Empire Apples are European apples primarily found within California. These apples were first cultivated in New York by L.C. Anderson. Anderson, a prominent fruit and vegetable nutritionist at the time, had carried out several using Macintosh apple seedlings to help overcome nutritionally and growth problems associated with the Macintosh apples. The result was the Empire apple. Although they are difficult to grow, once produced, the apples can store very well and produce a sweet taste. These apple trees require a lot of sunlight. Out of all the tree species, empire apples attract spiders the most. Empire apples are more prone to apple disease, such as mildew, leaf spot and apple scabs.

    Granny Smith Apples

    • Granny Smith apples are named after Maria Smith, an Australian farmer and amateur cultivator who cultivated the Granny Smith species by accident. These apples differ from other apple subspecies in that they are bright green in color rather than the common red color produced by apples. Unlike the Empire species, Granny Smith apples do not require much sunlight to grow. However, they do have a long production time and require milder weather to be able to grow. Aside from Empire apples, Granny Smith apples attract the most spiders.

    Fuji Apples

    • Fuji apples originated in Japan. Since their debut in 1962, these apples are a favorite among farmers and cultivators primarily due to their low maintenance and high productivity. The taste of these apples is much milder than Empire and Granny Smith applies, but they produce a vibrant red coloring at maturity. Spiders are attracted to the mature Fuji apples rather than when the apples are still growing. These apples are extremely susceptible to infections. Cedar rust and apple scab are common infections seen throughout this species.

    Golden Delicious Apples

    • Golden Delicious are true American apples that originated in Virginia. These apples have a rich, golden color at maturity and can grow one and half times bigger than red apple species. These apples although similar to the red apples, are not closely related. These apples are prone to diseases and can easily spoil. These apples are harvested throughout the fall and winter and attract spiders throughout this time. The Golden Delicious apples tend to attract the black widow spiders the most.

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