Panic Disorder Cycle - Understand it and You Can Be Cured
The panic disorder cycle is also the key to curing yourself of this debilitating condition.
In this article, I'll explore the cycle, also know as the positive forward feedback loop, and through this give you a great insight into how to cure yourself.
Fear Of Fear What produces panic attack after panic attack i.
panic disorder; is the actual fear of an attack itself.
Now, let's take a closer look at how this feedback loop works.
Let's take an example of someone who has panic attacks where the heart is involved.
Initial Symptom You could be laying in bed at night and waiting to go to sleep.
With hardly any sounds, you should drift off quickly but instead you can hear your heartbeat.
What was that? Was that a skipped beat? Is there a problem with your heart? Anxiety Any negative thoughts provoke an emotional response.
In this case, you jump to conclusions and you think that there could be a problem with your heart.
Actually, we all skip beats occasionally, it is no big deal.
But in the mind of a panic attack sufferer, they worry that something is wrong.
The result is a bout of anxiety.
The Body Reacts Due to your anxiety, your body reacts.
In moments of anxiety it tries to equip you the best that it can so that you can escape any situation of danger.
Your heart rate increases and your sweat production goes up.
More Anxiety When you feel these changes in your body, instead of rationally looking at it you instead feel that your first fears were realized - that there is a problem with your heart.
Or that you are going to have another panic attack because this feels so similar, so like how you felt before.
Rapid Looping More anxiety leads to a greater physical response and the process repeats itself more quickly each time.
Within minutes or even seconds, you are having a full blow panic attack with maximum heart rate and sweating and a host of other symptoms including dizziness, pain, chills and more.
Break The Loop Early Now we can clearly see that the key to overcoming recurrent panic attacks, to breaking panic disorder, is to know how to stop them in their early stages before they can gain a foothold.
The only way to do this is to "break the loop".
In this article, I'll explore the cycle, also know as the positive forward feedback loop, and through this give you a great insight into how to cure yourself.
Fear Of Fear What produces panic attack after panic attack i.
panic disorder; is the actual fear of an attack itself.
Now, let's take a closer look at how this feedback loop works.
Let's take an example of someone who has panic attacks where the heart is involved.
Initial Symptom You could be laying in bed at night and waiting to go to sleep.
With hardly any sounds, you should drift off quickly but instead you can hear your heartbeat.
What was that? Was that a skipped beat? Is there a problem with your heart? Anxiety Any negative thoughts provoke an emotional response.
In this case, you jump to conclusions and you think that there could be a problem with your heart.
Actually, we all skip beats occasionally, it is no big deal.
But in the mind of a panic attack sufferer, they worry that something is wrong.
The result is a bout of anxiety.
The Body Reacts Due to your anxiety, your body reacts.
In moments of anxiety it tries to equip you the best that it can so that you can escape any situation of danger.
Your heart rate increases and your sweat production goes up.
More Anxiety When you feel these changes in your body, instead of rationally looking at it you instead feel that your first fears were realized - that there is a problem with your heart.
Or that you are going to have another panic attack because this feels so similar, so like how you felt before.
Rapid Looping More anxiety leads to a greater physical response and the process repeats itself more quickly each time.
Within minutes or even seconds, you are having a full blow panic attack with maximum heart rate and sweating and a host of other symptoms including dizziness, pain, chills and more.
Break The Loop Early Now we can clearly see that the key to overcoming recurrent panic attacks, to breaking panic disorder, is to know how to stop them in their early stages before they can gain a foothold.
The only way to do this is to "break the loop".