Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Banning Cupcakes in Schools? Will It Fix Childhood Obesity?

I'm a parent who makes homemade cakes and cupcakes from scratch every birthday party at school and at home, I was totally shocked to hear that some Michigan schools are banning cupcakes to fight childhood obesity.
Don't get me twisted, I do believe that a our children are going to have problems due to their weight, and that in the end society has to pay for it.
However, I know that the occasional cupcake is not causing this problem.
Ultimately it is kids having bad eating habits, poor exercise, and overeating that is the underlying problem.
As a kid I played outside from morning until night, only coming inside when hungry or my parents called.
The current generation of children are not getting outside to play, have less gym time in school, sit in front of the tv, computer monitor or with a hand held game system for hours at a time.
So why are schools wanting to ban cupcakes instead of other solutions? When there are better solutions to help children eat better.
Does your child attend a school where birthday treats have been banned or in the process of being banned? My knowledge tells me that children only get to be kids for a short window of time and then we have the rest of our lives to be adults.
Since the focus on birthdays becomes less and less as the years pass, why not let them have their cake and eat it while they are young and will learn to fix the issue with more time outdoors, exercising and parents teaching their children to make better eating choices overall, with healthy foods.
Lean meats, and lot of fruits and vegetables! Again this is just another poor example of not knowing enough information and schools over stepping their boundaries.
So lets start learning more and being involved active parents.

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