Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Great Ways For Teens to Make Money - Write an Ebook

Meet Tony Waters.
Tony is a teenager who turned a love of skateboarding into an online empire that took him a few hours to set up, and is now earning him more than most Americans make in a year! He stumbled on one of the most amazing ways for teen to make money: Selling Ebooks online.
See, Tony wanted to be a pro skater but he had trouble learning the tricks of the trade.
He was disappointed with many of the skateboarding videos and books he found.
They skipped some key elements and really left him wanting more.
So, Tony decided to make his own skateboarding trick tips and sell them as a downloadable eBook and instructional course.
Skateboarders flipped for it! Now Tony sells about 10 books a day at $27 each.
Do the math and you'll see that this talented teen is earning $98,000.
00 a year! Here is the best part; the work has already been done! Tony wrote the book ages ago, created a sales page, and orders are processed automatically.
He doesn't do anymore work and he still earns cash everyday! Talk about working smart.
This is one of the smartest ways for teen to make money, because they can earn an income automatically while concentrating on their studies, chores, or a regular hourly job.
Now, Tony makes money whether he is studying for a test or doing "kick-flips" and "nosegrinds" at the skate park.
The money from his eBook keeps rolling into his online account.
That beats the heck out of working the drive-through or re-folding tank tops for $7.
00 an hour (Two of the worst ways for teen to make money.
) If you have a skill, a hobby, a past time, or an interest in anything at all, you can create your own online product and sell it 24 hours a day to customers all over the world, just like Tony did.
You'll make more than enough for college, that car, or a trip around the world.
And you won't waste your summer putting money in someone else's pocket! Quite frankly, if you write an eBook then you can write your own ticket! Here are just some of the reasons Ebooks are one of the most awesome ways for teen to make money: 1.
They cost absolutely nothing to produce -
If you have a computer (which I know you do) then you have everything you need to create your own fantastic eBook at no additional cost.
They are delivered automatically -
This is great for several reasons.
You can sell your book "instantly!" No waiting! People who buy on impulse want stuff NOW! With a digitally delivered Ebook, you can do just that.
Plus, there are no shipping charges.
That's money that you and your customer will save.
It's all profit -
Since Ebooks cost nothing to create then there is no overhead or upfront costs you get to keep every single dime you make.
They are fast -
I wrote my last book in a few hours.
It took me a few more hours to put up the website and upload all my files.
Let's say I spent a total of 12 hours on the entire project.
That's ½ of a day.
I have done ½ a days work and will now earn money from it forever.
Not bad.
Not bad at all! 5.
Live links -
You can put LIVE Internet links in an Ebook.
That is an INCREDIBLE tool! Why? Because then you can point your readers/customers to other Ebooks and products that might interest them.
You don't need a publisher, you don't need an agent, and you don't need a bookstore.
All you need is an idea and a little time.
That's why writing and selling Ebooks is one of my five favorite Writing ebooks is one of the best ways for teen to make money.
And since the Internet is a "global shopping mall" that caters to the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD, you can write and sell an eBook on just about any topic.
Try it, and see for yourself.

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