Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

How to Kill Brown Algae

    • 1). Use a pool testing kit to check the pH level of your water. Adjust the water so the pH is between 7.0 and 7.2 and the alkalinity level is between 85 and 100.

    • 2). Add chlorine to your pool following the instructions on the type you purchase.

    • 3). Adjust your filtration system once you balance the chemicals so the water continually circulates until you are able to remove all the algae from the pool.

    • 4). Using the brush, scrub as much of the algae off the sides and bottom of pool as possible. Use a pool rake to collect the loosened algae.

    • 5). Add enough chlorine to shock the algae. Make the chlorine level 10 times above the normal amount you use. Add it all at once rather than gradually.

    • 6). Add algaecide to the pool once the chlorine levels begin to reduce. Wait for as long as the directions tell you and then use the brush to scrape up the remaining bits of algae.

    • 7). Clean your swimming pool filter two times per day until the algae is completely gone.

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